NUNP 6541 (NUNP6541)
Walden University
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NUNP 6541N Week 6 Midterm Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2021
- $30.49
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1)	Q: When completing this quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity?		 
2)	Q: By what age should most children be able to sit well without support?	 
3)	Q: All of the following are consistent with peritonsillar abscess except:	 
4)	Q: You would be concerned about the language development of a child who:	 
5)	Q: Which of the following is a true contraindication of vaccinating a child?		 
6)	Q: Which of the following ...
NUNP 6541N-10 Week 6 Midterm Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2021
- $45.49
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1)	Q: When completing this quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity? 
2)	Q: Miguel, age 14, was hit in the eye with a baseball and developed eye pain, decreased visual acuity, and injection of the globe. Upon exam you note blood in the anterior chamber and confirm diagnosis of hyphema. What treatment do you recommend while Miguel is waiting to see the ophthalmologist 
3)	Q: The father of a 3-year-old is concerned because...
NUNP 6541N Week 11 Final Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 22 pages • 2021
- $45.49
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1.	Q: Unilateral wheezing is a finding suggestive of			 
2.	Q: You are on call and receive a phone call from the parents of a 13-year-old known asthmatic. She has been having chest tightness and a worsening cough for 48 hours. She has significant nasal discharge that began 14 days ago and intermittent complaint of headache. She is now running a low-grade fever. Her peak flow the last 48 hours is 70–80% of personal best. Her temperature right now is 101.7°F. She is on salmeterol with cortico...
NUNP 6541N Week 6 Midterm Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2021
- $45.49
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1)	Q: When completing this quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity? 
2)	Q: Miguel, age 14, was hit in the eye with a baseball and developed eye pain, decreased visual acuity, and injection of the globe. Upon exam you note blood in the anterior chamber and confirm diagnosis of hyphema. What treatment do you recommend while Miguel is waiting to see the ophthalmologist? 
3)	Q: The father of a 3-year-old is concerned because t...
NUNP 6541N Week 6 Midterm Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2021
- $45.49
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1)	Q: When completing this quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity?		 
2)	Q: By what age should most children be able to sit well without support?	 
3)	Q: All of the following are consistent with peritonsillar abscess except:	 
4)	Q: You would be concerned about the language development of a child who:	 
5)	Q: Which of the following is a true contraindication of vaccinating a child?		 
6)	Q: Which of the following ...
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NUNP 6541N-10 Week 6 Midterm Exam (Mar 2020) 100/100
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2021
- $45.49
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1)	Q: When completing this quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity? 
2)	Q: Miguel, age 14, was hit in the eye with a baseball and developed eye pain, decreased visual acuity, and injection of the globe. Upon exam you note blood in the anterior chamber and confirm diagnosis of hyphema. What treatment do you recommend while Miguel is waiting to see the ophthalmologist 
3)	Q: The father of a 3-year-old is concerned because...
NUNP 6541N Week 11 Final Exam (Spring Qtr)
- Exam (elaborations) • 23 pages • 2021
- $45.49
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1.	Q: Unilateral wheezing is a finding suggestive of			 
2.	Q: You are on call and receive a phone call from the parents of a 13-year-old known asthmatic. She has been having chest tightness and a worsening cough for 48 hours. She has significant nasal discharge that began 14 days ago and intermittent complaint of headache. She is now running a low-grade fever. Her peak flow the last 48 hours is 70–80% of personal best. Her temperature right now is 101.7°F. She is on salmeterol with cortico...
NUNP 6541N Week 6 Midterm Exam (March 2020)
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2021
- $45.49
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1)	Q: When completing this quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity? 
2)	Q: Miguel, age 14, was hit in the eye with a baseball and developed eye pain, decreased visual acuity, and injection of the globe. Upon exam you note blood in the anterior chamber and confirm diagnosis of hyphema. What treatment do you recommend while Miguel is waiting to see the ophthalmologist? 
3)	Q: The father of a 3-year-old is concerned because t...
NUNP 6541N Week 6 Midterm Exam (Fall Qtr)
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2021
- $45.49
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1)	Q: When completing this quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity?		 
2)	Q: By what age should most children be able to sit well without support?	 
3)	Q: All of the following are consistent with peritonsillar abscess except:	 
4)	Q: You would be concerned about the language development of a child who:	 
5)	Q: Which of the following is a true contraindication of vaccinating a child?		 
6)	Q: Which of the following ...
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