Mmc 2000
Florida State University
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Chapter 10 MMC 2000 questions and answers graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2024
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Chapter 10 MMC 2000The most common story about the Internet is that it is a product of what? - correct answer The cold war 1957; air force was interested in maintaining military's ability to transfer info around country even in area was destroyed by attack 
Batch processing - correct answer when computers worked on one thing at a time; not effective 
What was the first concept of computer technology? - correct answer Time Sharing- to share the processing power of one computer with multiple ...
Mmc 2000 Florida State University -FSU Exam 3 MMC 2000 Internet with complete solution
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2024
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FSU Exam 3 MMC 2000 InternetWhat is the Command-and-control version of the origins of the Internet - correct answer The Internet is a product of the Cold War 
Batch Processing - correct answer When computers worked on one thing at a time (not effective) 
Time-Sharing - correct answer 1st concept of computer technology 
-To share processing power of one computer with multiple computers 
What is ARPA - correct answer Advanced Research Projects Agency 
-established after launch of Sputnik by ...
Mmc 2000 Florida State University -FSU MMC 2000 Exam 2 (Chapters: 5, 6, 7, and 8) questions n answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2024
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FSU MMC 2000 Exam 2 (Chapters: 5, 6, 7, and 8)Magazines were a favorite of the __________ by the __________. (ch.5) - correct answer British elite, mid 1700's 
The two colonial printers in "the new world" were _________ and___________. (ch.5) - correct answer Andrew Bradford, Benjamin Franklin. 
In ____________, Andrew Bradford published __________ in ______________. (ch.5) - correct answer 1741, American Magazine, Philadelphia. 
Also in ___________ Benjamin Franklin Published _________...
Mmc 2000 Florida State University -MC 2000- Tad Odell LSU- Exam 1 fully solved
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2024
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MC 2000- Tad Odell LSU- Exam 1push media - correct answer producers control all media content 
- media consumers have fewer choices 
-example= 70's- had 3 options for news 
pull media - correct answer cyber media has so many channels that consumers have control of their choices 
-cable tv 
-available wherever and whenever consumers want them 
narrowcasting - correct answer creating content for a specific niche or group of people 
(SYFY, Comedy Central) 
1 in 3 minutes online is spent ____...
MC 2000 Tad Odell LSU questions with answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2024
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- $13.49
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MC 2000 Tad Odell LSUa strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics - correct answer Public Relations 
explicitly paying for media space or time in order to direct favorable attention to certain goods or services - correct answer advertisement 
differences between advertising and public relations - correct answer advertising is paid, PR is free/earned 
What is advertising clutter? - correct answer large volumes of adv...
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Mmc 2000 Florida State University -MC 2000 Test 1 Tad Odell questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2024
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MC 2000 Test 1 Tad OdellWhich of the following best describes current consumer expectations about mass media? - correct answer All mass media should be available online, accessible through multiple technologies 
What has been the direct effect of pixelation? - correct answer People need only one device to access different media 
What is a key difference between push and pull models? - correct answer Push- Media controls 
Pull- Consumer controls 
Which alternative business model is nostalgi...
Mmc 2000 Florida State University -mmc 2000-chapter 1 exam verified already passed
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2024
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mmc 2000-chapter 1 exam 
feedback - correct answer any response 
interpersonal communication - correct answer communication between two or a few people 
encoding - correct answer the process of transforming a message into an understandable sign and symbol system 
decoding - correct answer the signs and symbols that have been encoded are now interpreted 
medium - correct answer the means of sending information 
mass medium - correct answer carries messages to a large number of people 
Mmc 2000 Florida State University -MMC 2000 Chapter 13 questions & answers graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2024
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MMC 2000 Chapter 13Misperceptions of Media - correct answer 1. Not real and people know it's not real 
2. only play/entertainment 
3. just a reflection of society 
4. only reinforces existing beliefs/values 
5. if it impacts anything, its trivial things 
Is whether or not media affects individuals/society an opinion of science? - correct answer Social Science Research; in what ways? how much? under what conditions? 
Debates over media influence have been shaped over 3 dichotomies - correct ...
Mmc 2000 Florida State University -MMC 2000 Exam 1 Clayton FSU fully solved
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2024
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MMC 2000 Exam 1 Clayton FSUCommunication - correct answer * The process of creating shared meaning 
- It is the transmission of a message from a source to a receiver 
The process of communication could be described as...... - correct answer Source, Message, Receiver, Channel 
Media = ? - correct answer Communication 
Who created the one-way model of communication? - correct answer Harold Laswell in 1948 
Does a fish know that it is wet? - correct answer No 
* Relates to us not knowing ho...
Mmc 2000 Florida State University -MMC 2000 Exam 1 correctly answered graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 27 pages • 2024
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MMC 2000 Exam 1Does a fish know it is wet? - correct answer No 
Communication - correct answer The (reciprocal & ongoing) process of creating shared meaning. It is the transmission of a message from a source to a receiver. 
What is a convenient way to describe the act of communication? - correct answer Source --> Message --> Receiver --> Channel 
A source sends a message through a medium to a receiver producing some effect. *Media=Communication* 
What is Harold Laswell's ONE-WA...
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