NUR 1022C (NUR1022C)
Keiser University
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NUR 1022C clinical day 5 J Nasogastric Intubation Skills & Reasoning Jim Sanderson, 65 years old
- Case • 9 pages • 2022
- $12.80
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NUR 1022C clinical day 5 J Nasogastric Intubation Skills & Reasoning Jim Sanderson, 65 years old 
Nasogastric Intubation 
Skills & Reasoning 
Jim Sanderson, 65 years old 
Primary Concept 
Interrelated Concepts (In order of emphasis) 
 Clinical Judgment 
 Patient Education 
NCLEX Client Need Categories Percentage of Items from Each 
Covered in 
Case Study 
Safe and Effective Care Environment 

NUR 1022C week 7 bowel and ostomy Exam Questions completed ; Answers provided
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
- $13.70
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NUR 1022C week 7 bowel and ostomy Exam Questions completed ; Answers provided 
Bowel movements: 
What are the contraindicatons for enemas? 
Contraindicatons for enemas include increased intracranial pressure, glaucoma, and rectal or prostate surgery. Administering an enema 
to clients who have any of these conditons can lead to serious complicatons. Check the client’s history prior to administraton of an enema to be 
sure they do not have any problem that might make enema administraton u...

NURSE Dilemma Student Burnout STUDENT Worksheet _Susan Peterson, 21 years old / NUR 1022C clinicals day 6. latest 2022
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
- $16.29
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NURSE Dilemma 
Student Burnout 
STUDENT Worksheet 
Susan Peterson, 21 years old 
Most nursing students experience high levels of stress. For some, it crosses a line and the slow fade of burnout 
can steal the joy and passion of caring for others. Nursing has one of the highest rates of burn out of any 
profession. Identifying EARLY signs of burnout and practical strategies to cultivate self-care is required and is 
the emphasis of this nursing dilemma. 
Clinical Dilemma Activity: STUDE...

NURSE Dilemma Student Burnout STUDENT Worksheet Susan Peterson, 21 years old. Case Study.
- Case • 5 pages • 2022
- $7.49
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Susan Peterson, 21 years old 
Most nursing students experience high levels of stress. For some, it crosses a line and the slow fade of burnout 
can steal the joy and passion of caring for others. Nursing has one of the highest rates of burn out of any 
profession. Identifying EARLY signs of burnout and practical strategies to cultivate self-care is required and is 
the emphasis of this nursing dilemma. 
Clinical Dilemma Activity: STUDENT 
I. Scenario 
History of Present Problem:

NUR 1022C Fundamentals Final Review CORRECTLY ANSWERED
- Exam (elaborations) • 39 pages • 2021
- $11.99
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Fundamentals Final Review 
Question 1 
A nurse manager has a staff nurse who observes certain religious holidays. The manager tries to make 
sure that these observances can be met if possible. Which value is the manager practicing? 
1. Human dignity 
2. Social justice 
3. Autonomy 
4. Altruism 
Question 2 
Parents of a terminally ill child have decided to remove their child from life support, a decision that has 
met with little positive support. Which nursing action demonstrates autonomy rega...

NURSE Dilemma Student Burnout STUDENT Worksheet _Susan Peterson, 21 years old / NUR 1022C Clinicals day 6
- Case • 5 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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NURSE Dilemma Student Burnout STUDENT Worksheet Susan Peterson, 21 years old Overview Most nursing students experience high levels of stress. For some, it crosses a line and the slow fade of burnout can steal the joy and passion of caring for others. Nursing has one of the highest rates of burn out of any profession. Identifying EARLY signs of burnout and practical strategies to cultivate self-care is required and is the emphasis of this nursing dilemma. Clinical Dilemma Activity: STUDENT I. Sce...

Nasogastric Intubation Skills & Reasoning Jim Sanderson, 65 years old NUR 1022C Clinicals day 5
- Case • 9 pages • 2021
- $16.49
- 2x sold
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Nasogastric Intubation Skills & Reasoning Jim Sanderson, 65 years old NUR 1022C Clinicals day 5 History of Present Problem: Jim Sanderson is a 65-year-old male who is admitted for acute lower abdomina l pain which was the result of a ruptured appendix. He had an open appendectomy and is now post-operative day three. He refuses to use the incentive spirometer or get up in the chair and requires encouragement to get out of bed and ambulate on the unit. His appetite is poor, and he eats a small por...

Nasogastric Intubation Skills & Reasoning Jim Sanderson, 65 years old NUR 1022C Clinicals day 5
- Case • 9 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Nasogastric Intubation Skills & Reasoning Jim Sanderson, 65 years old NUR 1022C Clinicals day 5 History of Present Problem: Jim Sanderson is a 65-year-old male who is admitted for acute lower abdominal pain which was the result of a ruptured appendix. He had an open appendectomy and is now post-operative day three. He refuses to use the incentive spirometer or get up in the chair and requires encouragement to get out of bed and ambulate on the unit. His appetite is poor, and he eats a small port...

NURSE Dilemma Student Burnout STUDENT Worksheet Susan Peterson, 21 years old / NUR 1022C Clinicals day 6
- Case • 5 pages • 2021
- $16.49
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NURSE Dilemma Student Burnout STUDENT Worksheet Susan Peterson, 21 years old Overview Most nursing students experience high levels of stress. For some, it crosses a line and the slow fade of burnout can steal the joy and passion of caring for others. Nursing has one of the highest rates of burn out of any profession. Identifying EARLY signs of burnout and practical strategies to cultivate self-care is required and is the emphasis of this nursing dilemma. Clinical Dilemma Activity: STUDENT I. Sce...

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