NUR 4110 (NUR4110)
Nova Southeastern University
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NUR4110-HESI Medsurg 2 FINAL EXAM-with 100% verified solutions-2022-2024

Medsurg 2 FINAL EXAM.
- Other • 65 pages • 2022
- $7.49
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Medsurg 2 FINAL EXAM 
Cardiac Assessment Cardiac Conduction System 
	Generates and transmits electrical impulses that stimulate contraction of the myocardium 
	SA node AV node Bundle of his (branches into right and left) purkinjie fibers 
	SA node which is the primary pacemaker of the heart 
o	A patient has a HR of 90. Means The SA node is working because normal HR is 60-100 
o	If the HR falls below the normal value, there is a problem! 
	AV node which is the secondary pacemaker o...

NUR 4110 - Medsurg 2 Exam 3 Review.
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2021
- $10.99
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NUR 4110 - Medsurg 2 Exam 3 Review/NUR 4110 - Medsurg 2 Exam 3 Review. 
Chapter 39: Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System 
Functions of Musculoskeletal System Protect vital organs, mobility & movement, facilitate return of blood to heart, production of 
blood cells (hematopoiesis), reservoir for immature blood cells & vital minerals 
Assessment Include data r/t function & ability of ADLs & IADLs 
Health Hx: Family, health maintenance, nutrition, occupation, socioeconomic factors, medi...

NUR 4110 - MedSurg Test 2 Review.
- Exam (elaborations) • 29 pages • 2021
- $12.99
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NUR 4110 - MedSurg Test 2 Review/NUR 4110 - MedSurg Test 2 Review. 
1. The physician orders the following mechanical ventilation settings for a client. 
The client's spontaneous respiratory rate is 22 breaths/min. What arterial blood 
gas abnormality may occur if the client continues to be tachypneic at these 
ventilator settings? 
- Respiratory Alkalosis hyperventilating 
2. A client with persistent vomiting of 3 days duration is seen at the urgent care 
center because of increasing ...

NUR 4110 - Medsurg 2 Final Exam Study Guide.
- Exam (elaborations) • 65 pages • 2021
- $13.99
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NUR 4110 - Medsurg 2 Final Exam Study Guide/NUR 4110 - Medsurg 2 Final Exam Study Guide. 
Cardiac Assessment 
Cardiac Conduction System 
 Generates and transmits electrical impulses that stimulate contraction of the myocardium 
 SA node AV node Bundle of his (branches into right and left) purkinjie fibers 
 SA node which is the primary pacemaker of the heart 
o A patient has a HR of 90. Means The SA node is working because normal HR is 60-100 
o If the HR falls below the ...

- Summary • 65 pages • 2021
- $13.00
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Medsurg 2 FINAL EXAM 
Cardiac Assessment Cardiac Conduction System 
	Generates and transmits electrical impulses that stimulate contraction of the myocardium 
	SA node AV node Bundle of his (branches into right and left) purkinjie fibers 
	SA node which is the primary pacemaker of the heart 
o	A patient has a HR of 90. Means The SA node is working because normal HR is 60-100 
o	If the HR falls below the normal value, there is a problem! ...
vSim Jennifer Hoffman/vSim Jennifer Hoffman/vSim Jennifer Hoffman

NUR 4110 - Adult 2 Exam 2 Practice Questions.
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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NUR 4110 - Adult 2 Exam 2 Practice Questions. / NUR 4110 - Adult 2 Exam 2 Practice Questions. 
1. A client is being seen in the clinic to R/O mitral valve stenosis. Which assessment dtaa 
would be most significant? 
The client c/o SOB when walking 
2. Which assessment data would the nurse expect to auscultate in the client diagnosed w/ 
mitral valve insufficiency?

NUR 4110 - Exam 1 Study Guide.
- Exam (elaborations) • 22 pages • 2021
- $12.99
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NUR 4110 - Exam 1 Study Guide/NUR 4110 - Exam 1 Study Guide. 
Cardiac Assessment 
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology 
 Three layers of the heart: endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium 
 Four chambers of the heart 
 Heart valves: AV(tri/bi) and SL (aortic/pulm) 
 Perfusion: oxygenation and flow 
 Hemodynamics: blood flow through the CV system. This is from a region of higher pressure to lower pressure
Clinical vSim Assignments Jennifer Hoffman.

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