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Latest notes & summaries PGA PGM
T/F The process for developing a business plan starts before you establish the goals you would like to achieve for the shop's coming year. - ANSWER True 
Who should provide direction for creating the business plan at a golf operation - ANSWER Key Stakeholders 
T/F Long range planning should initially assume an adversarial relationship between neighboring facilities that directly compete with eachother - ANSWER True 
T/F According tho the Business Planning Model, a business plan should b...
What do tournaments provide the facility and people involved? - ANSWER Essential revenue, maintain enthusiasm among golfing public, and introduce new players to the game. 
What is median number of events put on by most facilities? - ANSWER 40-50 per year 
How will a PGA professional be called upon when creating a tournament? - ANSWER Define overall role of tournaments, create a strategy to develop or attract suitable events, and plan and run tournaments that meet the facility's objectives...
what is the purpose of delegating? - ANSWER to empower performers 
what delegation strategy should be chosen when the performer needs clear instructions and continuous feedback to stay focused on task completion? - ANSWER directing 
what guidelines apply when a manager chooses to use the directing strategy to assign a job to an employee? - ANSWER help explore ideas for job completion, offer solutions only if requested, and provide positive feedback 
the convincing strategy is best utilized...
When should a manager address performance gaps if an issue arises regarding a performer's work? - ANSWER If a gap arises, address the gap as soon as possible. 
How should the complexity of a task be handled if a performer is learning something new? - ANSWER Start simply, basics first. 
What expectations should a manager's performance standards reflect? - ANSWER Quality, timeliness, and initiative 
What element of the performance system describes the job task? - ANSWER Performance exp...
When should a manager address performance gaps if an issue arises regarding a performer's work? - ANSWER If a gap arises, address the gap as soon as possible. 
How should the complexity of a task be handled if a performer is learning something new? - ANSWER Start simply, basics first 
What expectations should a manager's performance standards reflect? - ANSWER Constant update, all parties on same page, scheduled reviews. 
What element of the performance system describes the job task?...
SWOT Analysis - ANSWER a _____ provides a structured method for assessing business conditions and identifying and prioritizing key success factors 
SWOT Analysis - ANSWER a _____ identifiques important strengths that the facility should maintain and leverage for positive performance, weaknesses that should be improved, opportunities that should be taken advantage of and threats that should be addressed and overcome 
true - ANSWER t/f: a swot analysis can be used to assess the entire facility...
Improvement in golf skill performance due to increased strength and flexibility as a result of participation in a fitness program is evidence that learning has taken place. - ANSWER False 
A common mistake in teaching is the expectation that the student will be able to learn a skill from a verbal suggestion - ANSWER True 
Autonomous learning is the first phase of learning a student will pass through when learning a new golf skill. - ANSWER False
Tournament Director - ANSWER Initiates the planning process by adding detail to the preliminary framework 
Contingencies (What if sudden death runs over time into another event planned for the day?) - ANSWER Besides size of field, format, and contestants, what must the planning team anticipate? 
Organization, preparation, and attention to detail - ANSWER What are the 4 keys to prevent tournament mishaps? 
Tournament planner - ANSWER Who must decide whether additional crowd control, hospita...
stakeholders - ANSWER a person or group having a stake or interest in the success of the business (key in establishing business goals) 
What is the most significant advantage of strategic business planning? - ANSWER Provides a long-term vision and destination; doesn't just focus on the current state of the business 
What is strategic business planning? - ANSWER the formal process of defining an organization's future direction and destination
According to the Customer Relations A Module, what must accompany good interpersonal skills to achieve high quality relations with your members and customers? - ANSWER Clear and effective producers 
According to the Golf Cart Fleet A Module, who oversees overall administration of the fleet concession? - ANSWER fleet manager 
According to the Golf Cart Fleet Management A Module, restrictions on where cars can be driven should be included as part of what documents? - ANSWER