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©EVERLY 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1/29/2025. EY 
PGA PGM 2.0 - Level 1: Intro To Teaching 
Exam Questions With Correct Answers 
100% Verified. 
How Golf Skills are learned? - AnswerA Process of cognitive motor strategies through practice 
and experience. 
Cognitive Motore Strategies Result - AnswerFinding the solution to movement problems. 
Golf Skills learned by a Student emerge when - AnswerThe student interacts with the skill in a 
learning environment. 
A golfer learns a skill also by, ...
©EVERLY 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1/29/2025. EY 
PGA PGM Associate Qualifying 3.0 Exam 
Questions With Correct Answers 100% 
An Assistant Golf Professional refers to someone who is primarily employed at a PGA 
Recognized Golf Facility and spends at least 25 percent of their time working in any 
combination of club repair, merchandising, handicapping, inventory, or tournament operations. 
- AnswerFalse 
A golf course Superintendent can qualify for active membership. - AnswerTrue 
©EVERLY 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1/29/2025. EY 
PGA/PGM 3.1 Level 1 Exam Questions With 
Correct Answers 100% Verified. 
Purpose of a business plan in a golf facility - AnswerTo outline goals, strategies, and financial 
projections, guiding decision-making and ensuring long-term success. 
Key components of a SWOT analysis - AnswerStrengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and 
Break-even point calculation for a golf facility - AnswerBy dividing fixed costs by the 
contribution margin ...
PGA PGM 3.0 - Intro to the PGA PGM 
Program Study Guide. 
Acceptable Progress - Answera policy defined and monitored by The PGA of America that 
specifies the maximum amount of time a PGA PGM Program participant has to be elected to 
PGA membership. 
- Level 1: 2 years from level 1 start date 
- Level 2: 2 years from level 2 start date 
- Level 3: testing and election to PGA membership must occur within 8 years of level 1 start 
Course Manual - Answerthe initial component of a course that ...
PGA PGM 3.0 Qualifying Test Questions 
And Answers. Updated And Verified. 
There are two predominant ways to organize a resume - Answerchronological format or a 
functional format. 
The ______________ resume is one of the most frequently used and widely recognized resume 
formats. - Answerchronological 
How is a chronological resume organized? - Answerstarting with the most recent position and 
moving backward, with information presented about the responsibilities of each position. 
The ________...
PGA PGM 3.0 Level 1 Test Questions And 
Answers. Updated And Verified. 
The Process for developing a business plan starts before you establish the goals you would like 
to achieve for the shops coming year - AnswerTrue 
Who should provide direction for creating the business plan at a Golf Operation - AnswerKey 
According to the business planning Model, a business plan should build on and refine the 
operation plan - AnswerFalse 
Long - Range Planning should initially assume an adve...
PGA PGM 3.0 - Level 3 Practice Questions 
And Answers. Updated And Verified. 
When should a manager address performance gaps if an issue arises regarding a performer's 
work? - AnswerIf a gap arises, address the gap as soon as possible. 
How should the complexity of a task be handled if a performer is learning something new? - 
AnswerStart simply, basics first. 
What expectations should a manager's performance standards reflect? - AnswerQuality, 
timeliness, and initiative 
What element of...
PGA PGM 3.0 - Level 3 Practice Questions 
And Answers. Updated And Verified. 
A teacher determines that a student better relates to internal motor imagery. What technique 
would be most successful for this student? - AnswerUsing internal imagery. Player imagines 
what they see and feel when they execute the swing from the performer's perspective 
What is the cognitive rehearsal of a physical activity in the absence of any observable muscular 
movement? - AnswerMental practice 
What is a consc...
PGA PGM Associate Qualifying 3.0 Exam 
Questions And Answers. Updated And 
An Assistant Golf Professional refers to someone who is primarily employed at a PGA 
Recognized Golf Facility and spends at least 25 percent of their time working in any 
combination of club repair, merchandising, handicapping, inventory, or tournament operations. 
- AnswerFalse 
A golf course Superintendent can qualify for active membership. - AnswerTrue 
The Rules of Golf may only be changed by agreement betw...
LEVEL 1 pga pgm test Questions And 
Answers. Updated And Verified. 
Directing Strategy - AnswerPurpose - to tell others specifically what to do 
Commitment from others - willing COMPLIANCE 
Initial skill used - STATE YOUR PURPOSE CLEARLY 
Convincing Strategy - AnswerPurpose - help others see that your solution is the right way to 
Commitment from others - active AGREEMENT 
Involving Strategy - AnswerPurpose - Inviting others to join your sol...