NBST 515 (NBST515)
Liberty University
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Encounter with The New Testament
- Exam (elaborations) • 81 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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magisterium - The official teaching authority of the Church that resides in the pope 
Tradition - Literally comes from a word that means "handed on" 
Scripture - Sacred ____ is a library of divinely inspired writings 
King - Jesus was ____, the rightful ruler of the universe 
Mercy - The "Jesus Prayer": Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have ____ on me, a 
Deposit - The Church teaches that there is a single sacred "____" of the Word of 
God which Christ entrusted to t...

Engaging Catholosism Midterm Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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Canon - - an established set of principles or code of laws (A norm or rule of faith) 
set forth by a religion 
Covenant - A solemn agreement between human beings or between God and a 
human being in which mutual commitments are made (ex: The Abrahamic 
Covenant where God promises Abraham a land, descendants and blessing) 
pentateuch - A Greek word meaning "five books," referring to the first five books 
of the Old Testament 
torah - the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible (the pentateuch) - ...

Exam 1 New Testament (Honors) Dr. Crockett
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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απολογεομαι; απολογια - to defend; apology 
αναστασις - resurrection; to raise up 
ειδωλολατρεια - idolatry 
εκκλησια - church/gathering 
σταυροω - crucify (originally meant hammering a stake into a fence) 
διαθηκη - covenant; testament 
καισαρ - caesar 
εκατονταρχης - centurion 
αρχιερευς - Jewish chief priest 
αποστολος - apostle (someone sent on a mission, assignment or with a message; 
someone ...

Liberty University NBST 515 New Testament Orientation I (ICE): The General Epistles/Revelation
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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Author of Hebrews - Originally believed to be Paul; almost definitely not Paul 
(Hebrews 2:3). Unknown. 
Place Hebrews was written. - Unknown 
Recipients of Hebrews - Unknown 
Introduction to Hebrews - Discussion of how Jesus is higher and better than angels 
(arguing for divinity of Jesus). 
Date of Hebrews - Likely before AD 70 (as present-tense reference to Temple 
worship insinuating it was written before the Temple's destruction) 
Key concept of Hebrews - Jesus as high-priest in order of...

NBST515 (ICE Exam)
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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Which genre typically contains cosmic conflict, symbolic language, and revelatory 
experiences on the part of the author? - Apocalypse 
Which letter uses familial language to describe the Church? - 1 John? 
The "walk to Emmaus" occurs only in which Gospel? - Luke 
Which of the four Gospels is typically considered to be the earliest written? - Mark 
Which approach to the Synoptic problem considers Matthew as the earliest of the 
Gospels? - Griesbach/ Two-Gospel Theory 
The only Gospel to al...

NBST 515 Exam 3
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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Significant event that occurred in 410 AD - Rome had fallen to Alaric's Goths. 
Roman pagans blamed Christians, who had been in favor of Constantine. In the 
wake of such, Augustine wrote City of God. 
Whether full canonical acceptance of Hebrews took place more quickly or more 
slowly than the other New Testament writings. - More slowly - it struggled. 
The two primary reasons Paul is widely rejected as the author of Hebrews. - 
Language is different from that in Paul's Letters - from voc...

Exploring the Bible - Final Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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Where do you find the story of Joseph? - Genesis 
Joseph is first enslaved, then imprisoned, and then empowered in Egypt. How did 
Joseph get to Egypt in the first place? - Joseph's brothers sold him to a caravan 
going to Egypt. 
Where can you read about the story of how God rescued the Hebrews from slavery 
in Egypt? - Exodus 
Which Old Testament book has holiness, sacrifice and Sabbath rest as one of its 
central themes? - Leviticus 
Who do most scholars believe wrote the Pentateuch? - Mos...

Exploring the Bible Final Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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Who did the Lord use to lead the Hebrew slaves to freedom from Egypt? - Moses 
Where in the Bible do you find the story of the Hebrew people wandering in the 
wilderness? - Exodus 
What was Jacob's name changed to after he wrestled with a messenger of the Lord 
near the River Jabbok? - Israel 
What are 2 of the main charges that the Old Testament prophets bring against 
God's people? - Idolatry and Social Injustice 
Which of David's sons becomes king after his death? - Solomon 
(T/F) Du...

NBST 515 Final Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- $11.00
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Preterist - Someone who believes all or almost all of Revelation is about events in 
the first century A.D. (early church), for original audience 
Historicist - Revelation shows the sequence of church history in chronological 
order (ancient times to modern) 
Futurist - All of Revelation's events have yet to happen 
Idealist - Shows ongoing struggle between good/evil, no real historical reference 
Premillennialism - Christ returns after the judgment in Revelation, but before a 
literal 1,000 ...

NBST 515 Final Exam 2 with Thornhill
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- $11.00
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Characteristics - Christ a better _________ - Heb - Mediator 
Characteristics - Christ a superior ________ rest - Heb -Sabbath 
Characteristics - Christ has a greater ____________ - Heb - Priesthood 
Characteristics - Christ offers a __________ atonement - Heb - Permanent 
Characteristics - New __________ - Heb - Covenant 
Characteristics - ________ and Perseverance - Heb - Apostasy 
Characteristics - Living by ______ - Heb - Faith 
Characteristics - Law of __________ - James - Liberty 

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