Servsafe (ServSafe)
Cooking And Hospitality Institute Of Chicago
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Servsafe 162 Exam questions practice and answers_all correct
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
- $9.99
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A food handler should wash their hands -ANS- between shaking hands and refilling food 
on a salad bar 
Metal shavings in a can of peaches is considered what type of contamination? * -ANSPhysical 
Most often, food becomes unsafe due to -ANS- the people that handle the food 
Cross-contamination can occur -ANS- when a food handler carries raw vegetable and 
raw ground chicken on the same tra 
During a shift a food handler complains about a sore throat and fever. What should the 
manager do with the...
ServSafe Alcohol Exam 2022 Test With Verified Answers Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2023
- $9.99
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T/F You may be charged with a crime simply for serving a guest who appears to be 
intoxicated. -answerTrue 
T/F It is illegal to serve alcohol to a pregnant woman. -answerFalse 
T/F Dram shop laws protect the server from being sued in the event that an intoxicated 
guest injures another individual. -answerFalse 
T/F The state liquor authority can suspend an establishment's liquor license for allowing a 
minor to enter the establishment with a fake ID. -answerTrue 
T/F All guests must be 21 year...
ServSafe Manager Exam Practice Questions
- Exam (elaborations) • 29 pages • 2023
- $9.99
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A catering employee removed a 135°F (57°C) tray of lasagna from hot-holding for service in a 
hotel conference room at 11:00 am. By what time must the lasagna be thrown out? 
A 12:00 p.m. 
B 2:00 p.m. 
C 3:00 p.m. 
D 4:00p.m. - C 3:00 p.m. 
A food handler has cooled a container of chili to 70°F (21 °C) in 1 hour. How much time is left to 
cool the chili to 41°F (5 °C)? 
A 2 hours 
B 3 hours 
C 4 hours 
D 5 hours - D 5 hours 
A food handler has just finished storing a dry food delivery. Whi...
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