Clinical Immunology
Kaplan University
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Immunology P1 Exam 3 MCQ questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 59 pages • 2023
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A 25 year old patient presents with malaise, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. A blood test leads to the diagnosis of an EBV infection. Which of the following is likely the predominant white blood cell in this patient? 
A. basophil 
B. neutrophil 
C. macrophage 
D. T helper cell 
E. B cell 
F. cytotoxic T cell 
G. eosinophil 
H. NK cell correct answer: F 
cytotoxic T cell 
(EBV = intracellular virus --> cytotoxic T cells) 
Which of the following statements regarding T Cell Rece...
Immunology Review HCMC questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 86 pages • 2023
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All immunoglobulins have the same basic structure which consists of correct answer: 2 heavy chains, 4 light chains 
Which of the following is not a charcteristic of B cells? 
A. Differentiate in to plasma cells 
B. Contain surface immunoglobulins 
C. Become memory cells 
D. Form rosettes with unsensitized sheep red blood cells 
E. all are characteristics are true correct answer: E. all characteristics are true 
A soluble meditor produced by lymphocytes correct answer: lymphokine 
Monos ...
Clinical Immunology / Serology questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2023
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Which of the following is not attributed to cytokines? correct answer: Stimulates the classical complement pathway 
Which two organs are considered the primary lymphoid organs in which immunocompetent cells originate and mature? correct answer: Thymus and bone marrow 
What type(s) of B cells are formed after antigen stimulation? correct answer: Plasma cells and memory cells 
What is the process by which phagocytic cells are attracted to a substance such as a bacterial peptide? correct a...
Clinical lab Immunology/Serology questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 33 pages • 2023
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The humoral immune system involves 
A. Monocytes 
B. B Cells 
C. T Cells 
D. Erythrocytes correct answer: B. B Cells 
What is the function of interferon? 
A. Destroys toxins 
B. Inhibits viruses 
C. Kills bacteria 
D. Inactivates protozoa correct answer: B. Inhibits viruses 
Types of effector T cells include 
A. B cells 
B. Helper T cells 
C. Monocytes 
D. Erythrocyte correct answer: B. Helper T Cells 
What immunoglobulin is usually present in greatest quantity? 
A. IgA 
B. IgD 
C. Ig...
Immunology and Serology Exam 1 Questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 29 pages • 2023
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What is the difference between precipitation and agglutination reactions? correct answer: Precipitation- visual aggregation of soluble test antigens with antibodies. 
Agglutination- visual aggregation of particulate test antigens. 
What body fluids can be utilized for serological studies on patients? correct answer: Plasma, CSF, Amniotic fluid, bone marrow, seminal and vaginal fluids, urine 
What major cells are found within the peripheral blood? What is the lineage for each? correct answe...
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Immunology & Serology (Questions) with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 168 pages • 2023
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- $15.49
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*From the following, identify a specific component of the adaptive immune system that is formed in response to antigenic stimulation: 
A. Lysozyme 
B. Complement 
C. Commensal organisms 
D. Immunoglobulin correct answer: *D. Immunoglobulin is a specific part of the adaptive immune system and is formed only in response to a specific antigenic stimulation. Complement, lysozyme, and commensal organisms all act nonspecifically as a part of the adaptive immune system. These three components ...
Immunology and Serology Exam 2 questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 32 pages • 2023
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What immunological reaction is usually involved in asthma? 
a. Delayed hypersensitivity 
b. Immediate hypersensitivity 
c. Antibody mediated cytotoxity 
d. Precipitation reaction correct answer: b. Immediate hypersensitivity 
Match the immune mediator with the type of hypersensitivity: correct answer: T cells, no complement 
IgG or IgM, complement 
IgG, Complement 
IgE, No complement involved 
A major component of mast cell granules, whose effects appear within 30 - 60 se...
Immunology and Serology Final Exam questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 40 pages • 2023
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A codon consists of a sequence of how many nucleotides? correct answer: three 
What amino acid is used to initiate most proteins in eukaryotes? correct answer: Methionine 
The process of protein synthesis is also called: correct answer: translation 
Protein structure characterized by the combination of different proteins that all together are required for protein function is which level of protein structure? correct answer: Quaternary 
Nucleotides in DNA consist of which of the follo...
Clinical Immunology & Serology-Exam I questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 21 pages • 2023
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Antigen correct answer: Macromolecules that are capable of eliciting formation of immunoglobulins (antibodies) or sensitized cells in an immunocompetent host. 
Antibody correct answer: Serum factors in the blood formed in response to a foreign substance exposure. Antibodies are also know as immunoglobulins 
Another name for antibody correct answer: immunoglobulins 
Immunity correct answer: The condition of being resistant to infection 
variolation correct answer: the obsolete proces...
Clinical Immunology and Serology Exam 1| 215 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 46 pages • 2023
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Definition of immunity correct answer: resistance to disease 
Causes of immune deficiency correct answer: AIDS, newborns, elderly, leukemia, lymphoma, chemotherapy, radiation therapy 
nonspecific immunity (natural, innate) correct answer: the first line of defense. Many microorganisms are not able to pass through this defense system and initiate an infection 
specific immunity (adaptive, acquired) correct answer: defense unique for each microbe 
immunologic memory is established by _...
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