Prairie State College
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Latest content Prairie State College
This is a comprehensive and detailed case study on;Acute Diverticulitis.
This is a comprehensive and detailed summary on Chapter 4 Reproductive System Concerns.
Detailed Study Guide on Exam 2 for Nurs 211. An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!!️
This is a comprehensive and detailed summary on;Chapter 7;Therapeutic Communication summary. Am Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!️
This is a comprehensive and detailed lecture note on Medication Administration for NURS 211. An Essential Study Resource, just for YOU!!️
Practical Nursing Notes for NURS 211.
This is a comprehensive and detailed note on Integumentary System for NURS 211.
12 RIGHTS OF MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION1. RIGHT PATIENTAlways check patient’s identification braceletAsk patient to state their name and birth dateCompare medication order to identification bracelet and patient’s stated name and birthdateVerify patient’s allergi
Hypothetical Starting point for Exploration Name Feeling of dread toward needles is a critical obstruction to clinical treatment saw by medical services suppliers
MEDICATION ADMINISTRATIONA. Identify the nurse’s role in medication administration.Teach clients about their meds & side effectsEnsure adherence w/ med regimenEvaluate client’s ability to self-administer medsEvaluate client’s response to medsB. Discuss drugs regarding:1. NomenclatureChemical name (ex: N-acetyl-para-aminophenol) – provides exact description, composition & molecular structureGeneric name (ex: Acetaminophen) – mfr who first develops the medication gives ...