BOT 380 Forestry (BOT 380)
Ball state university
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This covers topics "1-3 Shoot Growth Patterns" and "1-4 Root Systems and Carbon Allocation
This covers topics "2-1 Climate Controls of Forest Distribution" and "2-2 Soil Influences on Trees and Forests"
This covers topics "2-3 Describing Where Tree Species Grow" and "Assessing Site Quality"
This covers the material for the second Forestry Exam
This covers topics "1-1 Tree Structure" and "1-2 Growth at Meristems"
This covers topic "3-2 Stand Initiation"
This covers topics "Basics of Forest Economics" and "Stem Exclusion"
This covers topics "Forest Growth and Yield", "Silviculture", and "Artificial Regeneration"
This covers the topic "4-2 Stand Tending"
This covers topic "4-3 Stand Harvesting"

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