Harvard College
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- Essay • 2 pages • 2021
- $5.49
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MEMO TO: All Students FROM: Junta Mohamed, President of Gust DATE: July 8, 2021 SUBJECT: scholarship opportunities for sportsmen In the past few years, GUST has received a lot of recogni tion and glory in the country because of their good performance in sporting activities. Their efforts in sporting activities have also given the institution to gain more students and this has boosted the financial standpoint in the last three years due to numerous admissions. Due to the efforts of these students...

- Essay • 2 pages • 2021
- $5.69
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MEMO TO: All Employees FROM: Lucy Abdi, CEO SUBJECT: Employee Reward for new transition DATE: July 12, 2021 I am giving the upmost appreciation to everyone that was involved i n the transition from sit-in set up to take out in the restaurant. Since the new form of selling was introduced in the restaurant, we have experienced more sales and the restaurant is doing better than before. Despite of this, the work flow has increased and everyone has shown continued efforts in making sure that everythi...

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