Harvard University
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Seeking and Receiving Health Care
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2022
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- $9.49
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Seeking and Receiving Health Care 
Seeking and Receiving Health Care 
I. Seeking Medical Attention 
Lecture Outline 
How people determine their health status when they don't feel well depends on their 
social and cultural background, their interpretation of symptoms, and their concept of what 
constitutes illness. Illness behavior consists of those activities taken by people who feel sick 
and are directed toward determining health status before an official diagnosis. Sick role 
NRS 429VN Topic 3 DQ 2.100% correct
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2021
- $5.19
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NRS 429V Topic 3 DQ 2 
Compare and contrast the three different levels of health promotion (primary, secondary, tertiary). Discuss how the levels of prevention help determine educational needs for a patient.
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