University Of Phoenix
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Test Bank - Advanced Practice Nursing: Essentials for Role Development, 4th Edition (Joel, 2024), Chapter 1-30 | All Chapters
- Exam (elaborations) • 287 pages • 2024
- $14.00
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Test Bank - Advanced Practice Nursing: Essentials for Role Development, 4th Edition (Joel, 2024), Chapter 1-30 | All Chapters

EMT Fisdap Final Exam Practice: Questions & Answers 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 33 pages • 2023
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- $12.00
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1. A 4-Year-old female tracheostomy pt has pulled out her tracheostomy tube. The opening is partially obstructed with skin. You should A. Use a soft tip catheter and suction until clear B. Insert a nasal airway into stoma C. Wipe the area clean and perform mouth to stoma ventilation D. Cut the skin away from the stoma(ANSWER) Use a soft tip catheter and suction until clear 2. To protect yourself from injury when lifting a stretcher you should A. keep the weight as close to your body as po...

EMT FISDAP READINESS EXAM 4 Questions and Answers (2023) (Verified Answers)
- Exam (elaborations) • 62 pages • 2023
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- $12.00
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1. In contrast to the assessment of a trauma patient, assessment of a medical patient almost exclusively focuses on physical signs that indicate the patient is experiencing a problem. is focused on the nature of illness, the patient's chief complaint, and his or her symptoms. requires a thorough head-to-toe exam that involves a detailed assessment of all body systems. is not as complex for the EMT because most patients typically present with classic symptoms.(ANSWER) b 2. Which of the...

EMT FISDAP Readiness Exam 2 Questions & Answers 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 33 pages • 2023
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- $12.00
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1. The collective set of regulations and ethical considerations governing the EMT is called: a. duty to act b. scope of practice c. advanced directives d. good samaritan laws: B 2. Legislation that governs the skills and medical interventions that may be performed by the EMT is: a. standardized (uniform) throughout the country b. different from state to state c. standardized for regions within a state d. governed by the US Department of Transportation: B 3. When the EMT makes the phy...

EMT Readiness Exam Questions & Answers 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
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- $12.00
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1) 36/yo female complains of fever, lower abdomen pain that moves to lower back when she walks. BP 144, p98, R 16. You should suspect?(ANSWER) Pelvic inflam- matory disease 2) Are administering oral glucose to a known diabetic. What should you be most concerned about? (ANSWER) The smell of acetone on breath 3) 45-year-old is 34 weeks complains of a severe headache, sensitivity to light, and swollen feet. Vitals signs are BP 130/88, P104, R 24 what should you suspect? (ANSWER) Preeclampsia...

- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2023
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- $12.00
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1. who may not understand the stress put on you as an emt?: friends and family 2. in many states a minor may be considered as an adult for the purpose of consenting or refusing if the minor is: emancipated : lives by themselves and self- supported 3. when do we palate a patient's pelvis: MOI suggests it 4. what does the spinal cord pass through at the base of the cranium: forena magnum 5. what fills the entire posterior / anterior of the right upper quadrant: the liver 6. if you are do...

- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2023
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A critical incident stress debriefing should be conducted no longer than hours following the incident. - ANSWER-72 Which of the following skills or interventions is included at every level of prehospitalemergency training? - ANSWER-AED As an EMT, it is important to remember that the signs and symptoms of cumulativestress: - ANSWER-may not be present or obvious at all times The patient care report (PCR) ensures: - ANSWER-continuity of care Which of the following scenarios does NOT involve ...

- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2023
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what do you do for labored, contstriction, or lack of tidal volume Correct ans - assist ventilations with BVM What do you do for acid in eyes Correct ans - irrigate, if contacts take them out Signs and Symptoms of tension pneumothorax Correct ans - progressive shortness of breath increased altered level of consciousness neck vein distention tracheal deviation What organ could be affected by trauma to the upper right quadrant Correct ans - liver flail chest is charcterized and defined ...

Women’s Health Care in Advanced Practice Nursing 2nd Edition Alexander Test Bank 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 147 pages • 2023
- $8.39
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Chapter 1 Women and Their Health The United States ranks 50th in the world for maternal mortality and 41st among industrialized nations for 1. infant mortality rate. When developing programs to assist in decreasing these rates, which factor would most likely need to be addressed as having the greatest impact? A)Resolving all language and cultural differences B) Assuring early and adequate prenatal care C) Providing more extensive womens shelters D)Encouraging all women to eat a balance...
Test Bank for Pediatric Nursing The Critical Components of Nursing Care 2nd Edition

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