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Questions - Correctional Counselor (CC1) Exam - CDCR Questions and answers latest update
- Exam (elaborations) • 36 pages • 2024
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- $13.49
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Questions - Correctional Counselor (CC1) Exam - CDCR Questions and answers latest update

CDCR Major 2| 50 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
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Identify reasons why it is important to consistently enforce rules, regulations, and policies as they apply to inmates. correct answer: • Reduces stress 
• Enhances your professionalism 
• Enhances credibility 
• Maintains order 
• Ensures institutional safety and security 
• Eliminates double standards 
• Decreases confusion 
• Enhances inmate/staff relations 
Identify the 2 reasons why it is important correctional PEACE officers are familiar with the CCR, Title 15. correct a...

CDCR Exam 4| 60 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
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Identify 5 most common reasons inmates may need to be transported outside of an institution correct answer: Medical appointments, court appearance, emergencies, institutional transfers and paroles 
Medical appointments correct answer: Made for any treatment not available inside the institution ( e.g., major surgery) 
Court appearances correct answer: Lawsuits, child support and testimony 
Emergencies correct answer: Unplanned events (e.g., emergency transfers, unscheduled medical, cris...

CDCR Exam 2| 83 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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Legal Issues- Recognize the importance of positive and professional conduct correct answer: Positive and professional conduct fosters a better understanding of the roles correctional peace officer 
Define professionalism as it relates to the correctional peace officer correct answer: Adhering to the rules, regulations an ethical standards of CDCR, competent, reasonable, dependable, and well trained employees 
Identify the habits a correction of peace officer will follow to promote positive...

CDCR MAJOR 1| 64 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2023
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- $12.49
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What are california department of corrections and rehabilatation's use of force policy? correct answer: It is the police of CDCR's division of adult institution to accomplish the departamental functions with Minimal Reliance on the Use of Force. Employees may use reasonable force as requiered in the performance of their duties. 
Identify the definition of reasonable force. correct answer: Is force than objective, trained and competent correctional employee, face with similar facts and circ...

CDCR LT Study Guide questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 48 pages • 2023
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What is Sexual Harassment? correct answer: Sexual harassment is any unwanted, unwelcome comments, looks, or overtones. It may be verbal, physical, or written. Supervisors and Managers are legally responsible for ensuring a harassment free work environment. Supervisors must take immediate action if the know harassment exist. 
What is the C.D.C. policy concerning sexual harassment? correct answer: 1) Employees have a right to a working environment free of discrimination, of which sexual harass...

CDCR Exam 1| 97 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $11.49
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Service correct answer: We serve and are responsible to the public. We value of their trust and invite their involvement 
Leadership correct answer: Positive role model 
Integrity correct answer: Conduct ourselves professionally thru fair honest and ethical behavior 
Accountability correct answer: Accepting responsibility for our actions 
Respect correct answer: Respect each other's differences 
Trust correct answer: Keep our word and honor our commitment 
Collaboration correc...

CDCR major 3| 46 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
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According to the departamental operations manual (DOM 52020) inmates counts are conducted to: correct answer: - facilitate inmate control. 
- facilitate accountability. 
- expedite inmate movement throughout the institution. 
The regulations for inmate counts and movements are contained in the DOM , sections 52020.1 through 52020.7 the Dom procedures to: correct answer: - accountability 
- institution safety and security 
- public safety 
- employee safety 
- inmate security 
Types of in...

CDCR Sergeant Studyguide questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
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Gifts and Gratuities correct answer: Inmates may not accept gifts of property from visitors or staff, or give them any such gifts 
ETO correct answer: Excused time off 
Sexual Behavior correct answer: Inmates may not participate in illegal sexual acts. Inmates must avoid deliberately placing themselves in situations and behaving in a manner, which is designed to encourage illegal secxal acts 
UHT correct answer: Uniform heat trigger 
TD correct answer: Tactical Dispurgement 
FLSA ...

- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
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Learning Objective 1: 
You will identify the three organizational levels in a security threat group. correct answer: 1. A member 
2. An associate 
3. A suspect 
STG member is: correct answer: "any offender or any person who, based on documented evidence, has been accepted into membership by a STG." Members are identified through the validation process 
STG associate: correct answer: "any offender or any person who, based on documented evidence, is involved periodically or regu...

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