CSTU 101 (CSTU 101)
Liberty University
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CSTU 101 Quiz / Chapter 7 with 100% correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101 Quiz / Chapter 7Many of the statues we call "Greek" are actually Roman copies. - correct answer True 
Even in the temples they built, the ancient Greeks saw a picture of the human form. - correct answer True 
Which order of Greek temple architecture is associated with the Classical period and demonstrates elegance and refinement? - correct answer Ionic 
From the earliest period in Greek art, we see highly realistic depictions of the human form. - correct answer False 
The Gree...

CSTU 101- Quiz 1-CHP.1 fully solved graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101- Quiz 1-CHP.1Humanities Definition: - correct answer the study of how a culture expresses its values through the creation, preservation, and transmission of ideas and works of art. 
Culture - correct answer Culture is the sum total of the common things that bind people together in a society. -political, social, philosophical, educational, and economical aspects 
Values - correct answer If you take the word back to its original meaning, the word "value" has to do with weighing some...

CSTU 101- Quiz 5-Chp 13 fully solved graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101- Quiz 5-Chp 13going from ancient world to medieval world - correct answer occurs over a very long period of time 
There are two institutions that experience very different destinies during this period of time (during transition period) - correct answer One institution is on the rise while another is on decline. 
~ the rise of the medieval church (increase in power) -AD 1 
~The Roman Empire on decline (AD 500) 
Where the two points meet: - correct answer ~ be at about 313 A.D. when ...

CSTU 101- Quiz 8-Chp 23 well answered
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CSTU 101- Quiz 8-Chp 23mid-19th century people focused on - correct answer what is real; call the movement "realism" 
-they looked out at the world (looked at society) 
-wanted to change the world 
-NOT like the romantics who were obsessed with themselves. 
Literature in Mid-19th century - correct answer period of Charles Dickens 
-one of the things you would see in 19th century is just how bad things were-negative consequences from industrial revolution 
-Dickens author of "Oliver Twist...

CSTU 101 Liberty University -CSTU 101 Quiz / Chapter 8 correctly answered graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101 Quiz / Chapter 8Greek comedy can accurately be described as a philosophy of life - correct answer True 
Under the right circumstances, a Greek tragedy could focus on the plight of a lower-class citizen - correct answer False 
Not a whole lot of action actually took place on stage in a typical Greek drama. - correct answer True 
When viewed in Greek terms, the Bible must be considered the world's greatest tragedy - correct answer False 
What is one of the most significant things...

CSTU 101 Liberty University -CSTU 101 Test 1 correctly answered graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101 Test 1Ancient Sumerian temple/altar - correct answer zigrat 
Arch - correct answer Rome 
What is the Enuma elish? - correct answer Sumerian creation Myth - reflects the violence in the world (Tiamat the mother goddess is slain by Marduk, forming the mountains and rivers) 
Which civilization had the first written language and what is it called? - correct answer Sumerians; Cuneiform 
Which two major texts were found from Sumerian culture? - correct answer The Epic of Gilgamesh and...

CSTU 101 Liberty University -CSTU 101 Walker (final exam)
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101 Walker (final exam) - correct answer The Age of Industry 
The belief that science, technology, and industry can know all truth, solve all problems, and create human happiness. - correct answer Materialism 
- German and philosophical idealist 
- responsible for the phrase "The real is rational, the rational is real." 
- The "mind engaged in a creative struggle with history's materials and circumstances" what Hegel calls the "dialectic" - correct answer Georg Hegel 
believed ...

CSTU 101-Exam 4 questions with correct answers graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101-Exam 4Materialism - correct answer The belief that science, technology, and industry can know all truth, solve all problems, and create human happiness 
Georg Hegel - correct answer reality is grounded in workings of mind 
and mind engaged in a creative struggle with history's materials and circumstances 
idealist/revolutionary philosopher 
What is Georg Hegel's coined term? - correct answer The real is rational and the rational is real 
What books did Karl Marx write? - corre...

CSTU 101-Quiz 4-Chp 11 well answered rated A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101-Quiz 4-Chp 11Roman Art - correct answer 1) Portraiture art 
2) Narrative art 
3) Landscape art 
(Roman art expresses materialistic perspective) 
1) Portraiture art - correct answer ~Roman portrait= photorealistic in appearance. 
-literal and lifelike (remarkable) 
~since Romans were practical people, the most practical thing you could do was make the portrait look like the person. 
-an expression of their religious values (worshiped their ancestors) 
Comparing Greek and Roman ar...

CSTU 101-QUiz 4-Chp 12 questions with 100% correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101-QUiz 4-Chp 12Rise of Christianity - correct answer story of the rise of Christianity is inseparable from the story of the Roman Empire. 
beginning of persecution (sporadic periods of persecution) - correct answer ~as Christianity grew and flourished and as Christians gave expression to its values in their lives, that the differences became unavoidably clear to the Roman authorities. 
~It was then that Christians began to be seen as a threat by the Romans and were persecuted. 
Why d...

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