Pesticide Applicator
Liberty University
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Illnois, Pesticides Applicator General standards Exam 2024 (100% Correct Answers With complete solution)
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2024
- $5.39
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IPM - CORRECT ANSWER Integrated Pest Management; Goals are provide economical pest control/protect the environment 
Not The Goal Of IPM - CORRECT ANSWER Elimination of all pests 
Economic threshold/action threshold - CORRECT ANSWER Number of pests per 
plant of amount of damage to plant at which control measures should begin 
economic injury level - CORRECT ANSWER breakeven point which the cost of 
pest control equals the revenue loss caused by pest 
aesthetic injury level - CORRECT ANSWER numbe...

Illnois Pesticides Applicator Test (General Standards) Exam 2024 (100% Correct Answers With complete solution)
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2024
- $4.99
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Federal insecticide, fungicide, and rodenticide act (FIFRA) - CORRECT ANSWER 
Approved in 1947. It provides a framework for pesticide registrations an is the 
pesticide users assurance that the product, if used correctly will provide some helpful 
service without endangering the user, other persons, or the environment 
Economic Injury Level - CORRECT ANSWER break- even point at which the cost 
of pest control equals the revenue loss caused by a pest. 
Aesthetic Injury Level - CORRECT ANSWER numb...

Illinois Pesticide General Standards Test Study Guide 2024 (100% CORRECT WITH COMPLETE SOLUTION)
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2024
- $7.69
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The goal of IPM isn't to eliminate the entire pest population but... - CORRECT 
ANSWERS To avoid adverse effects on human, wildlife, and the environment (The 
question is something like the above but not the exact wording) 
Which of the following words is that number of pests per plant or the amount of 
damage to a plant at which point control measures should begin? - CORRECT 
ANSWERS Economic Threshold 
What can be said about insects? - CORRECT ANSWERS They have three pairs 
of jointed legs 

Illnois, Pesticides Applicator General standards Exam 2023 (100% Correct Answers With complete solution)
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
- $12.49
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IPM - CORRECT ANSWER Integrated Pest Management; Goals are provide 
economical pest control/protect the environment 
Not The Goal Of IPM - CORRECT ANSWER Elimination of all pests 
Economic threshold/action threshold - CORRECT ANSWER Number of pests per 
plant of amount of damage to plant at which control measures should begin 
economic injury level - CORRECT ANSWER breakeven point which the cost of 
pest control equals the revenue loss caused by pest 
aesthetic injury level - CORRECT ANSWER numb...

Illnois Pesticides Applicator Test (General Standards) Exam 2023 (100% Correct Answers With complete solution)
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2023
- $12.99
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Federal insecticide, fungicide, and rodenticide act (FIFRA) - CORRECT ANSWER 
Approved in 1947. It provides a framework for pesticide registrations an is the 
pesticide users assurance that the product, if used correctly will provide some helpful 
service without endangering the user, other persons, or the environment 
Economic Injury Level - CORRECT ANSWER break- even point at which the cost 
of pest control equals the revenue loss caused by a pest. 
Aesthetic Injury Level - CORRECT ANSWER numb...

Illinois General Standards Pesticide Exam (100% CORRECT ANSWERS WITH COMPLETE SOLUTION)
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
- $11.49
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Pest - CORRECT ANSWER any insect, mite, rodent, weed, disease etc that is 
injurious to the health of humans, animals, plants, or the environment 
Goal of IPM - CORRECT ANSWER keep pests below economic and aesthetic 
injury level, avoid adverse effects on humans, wildlife, environment 
economic injury level - CORRECT ANSWER breakeven point at which cost of 
pest control equals revenue loss caused by pest 
economic threshold level - CORRECT ANSWER number of pests per plant or 
amount of damage to...
Iowa Core Exam Review Pesticide Applicators| 122 questions| with complete solutions
Iowa Core Exam Review Pesticide Applicators| 122 questions| with complete solutions

Pesticide applicator test| 60 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
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Dry formulation (SP, W, WP, WDG, DF, G) Brand X 20G means correct answer: Granular and is 20% Active, 100 lbs of product = 20 lbs active ingredient 
How many pounds of active ingredient are in 10 pounds of Brand X 50WP? correct answer: 10 lbs times .5 = 5 lbs active 
Wet Formulations ( S, E, EC, F, FL, L, ME) Brand X 2E means correct answer: emulsifiable concentrate and 2 lbs of active ingredient per 1 gal. of product 
How many pounds active ingredient are in 1 gal of Brand X 3.5E corre...

Pesticide Applicator Test| 73 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $11.49
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A certified applicator is required when ____________pesticides are used correct answer: restricted or general use 
A Kansas business that performs commercial pest control is not required to have a certified applicator on staff if they only use general use pesticides T/F correct answer: false 
particularly suited to low-value crops, or situations where some injury can be tolerated correct answer: biological control 
Resistance to pesticides may develop in some pest species because: corre...

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