public safety
Liberty University
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Public safety Study guide questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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- $8.49
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Which component is least likely to be included in the NIMS? correct answer: local procedures 
Which is the most important purpose for the NIMS? correct answer: to provide a consistent nationwide framework and approach 
Which situation would result in the need for an Incident Command System response? correct answer: train derailment 
An Incident Command System response would be unnecessary for which event? correct answer: a factory fire 
In the Incident Command System, which would lea...
Roles and Responsibilities of Public Safety questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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Which of the following is not a municipal public safety professional? 
a) Jailer 
b) FBI Agent 
c) Police Officer 
d) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) correct answer: FBI Agent 
Which is a country level public safety professional? 
a) Sheriff 
b) Police 
c) FBI Agent 
d) Animal control officer correct answer: Sheriff 
Which of the following is state public safety professional? 
a) Constable 
b) Firefighter 
c) Police 
d) Texas Ranger correct answer: Texas Ranger 
Which of the ...
Public Safety 1 End of Course Study Guide Fall 2022 questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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To which Public Safety pathway does a lawyer belong to? correct answer: Law and Justice 
What is the main mission of correctional staff? correct answer: to protect the general public 
Which information is not provided to 911 telecommunicators through the 911 system? correct answer: caller's photo ID 
Police, fire, and ambulance dispatchers are also called? correct answer: public safety communicators or public works communicators (public safety communicators) Answer 
Which is the hig...
intro to public safety| 102 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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- $12.49
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The national fire incident reporting system does... correct answer: collects information only related to arson 
First responders need all of the following skills except... correct answer: property ownership 
What is not true about correctional facilities? correct answer: Not required to treat inmates with a chemical dependency 
Chemical dependency... correct answer: Is a chronic disease 
What is not true about an intake form? correct answer: Used only for inmates with a violent past...
Public Safety Final Exam Review| 50 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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EMT's and paramedics respond to calls for.... correct answer: sick and injured people 
Which public safety career pathway does a Paramedic belong? correct answer: Emergency and Fire Management Services 
Public safety professionals must ALWAYS be... correct answer: honest and trustworthy 
Which component is LEAST LIKELY to be included in the NIMS? correct answer: local procedures 
Which is the MOST important purpose for the NIMS? correct answer: To provide a consistent nationwide fr...
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public safety Fifth final review (6.0) questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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Which is the highest cause of police officers' work-related deaths in the United States correct answer: car crashes 
Which is an example of a uniformed law enforcement career correct answer: patrol officer 
Which is a basic requirement for careers in law enforcement correct answer: good driving record 
Which describes a job duty of a telecommunicator correct answer: dispatch the proper personnel to a call 
A practice in law enforcement in which officers get to know the people in the...
Public Safety Final Exam Review| 50 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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Which is a trait of one who is worthy of trust and is reliable? correct answer: dependability 
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, which was the most common reason for dropping out of high school? correct answer: behavior or academic problems and/or loss of interest 
Which is the most likely school-related reason for a student to drop out? correct answer: missed too many days 
Washing ladders and repairing tools are examples of: correct answer: equipment maintenance. 
Public Safety Exam Review| 100 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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- $12.49
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A dedicated, hardworking, and determined investigator will solve most crime cases when... correct answer: He/she works undercover 
What requirement most likely would be included for a patrol officer ? correct answer: A good driving record 
which describes reasonable suspicion? correct answer: a combinations facts or observations that would cause a rational person to think that a crime has been or is about to be committed 
what phrase describes a search warrant? correct answer: A court ...
Public Safety Final Exam| 195 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 28 pages • 2023
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- $13.99
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Which color pages in the Emergency Response Guidebook use the chemical's name to organize the list in alphabetical order? 
A. white 
B. yellow 
C. blue 
D. green correct answer: C. blue 
Which is the highest cause of police officers' work-related deaths in the United States? 
A. angry supervisors 
B. car crashes 
C. complacency 
D. domestic violence correct answer: B. car crashes 
Which is an example of a uniformed law enforcement career? 
A. administrative assistant 
B. detective 
C. fo...
Public Safety 1 Exam| 100 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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Which is the most likely family-related reason for a student to drop out of school? correct answer: was pregnants 
Which is a trait of one who is worthy of trust and is reliable? correct answer: dependability 
To which pathway does the career of a prison counselor belong? correct answer: Correction Services 
Which term describes the ability to work and function for long periods of time? correct answer: physical stamina 
Which is an example of a security level in a correctional facili...
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