Sterile Processing
Liberty University
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- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2023
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What is Central Service ? - Centralized distribution of supplies to all customers in the 
What is the Central Service One Way Work Flow ? - -Decontamination (soiled) 
-Preparation, Packaging, Sterilization (clean) 
-Sterile Storage (sterile) 
What is the purpose of a One Way Work Flow ? - To prevent cross contamination. 
Decontamination - Physically or chemically render instruments or equipment that may be 
contaminated with ha...

Sterile Processing| 1838 questions| 100 pages| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 100 pages • 2022
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Decontamination Area correct answer: where soiled items are received and cleaned. *All levels for the same tray should be labeled w/a tag to identify the level number and set to which it belongs. 
Preparation and Packaging Area correct answer: where cleaned items are inspected, assembled, and packaged. 
Sterilization Area correct answer: where terminal sterilization is performed. 
Sterile Storage Area correct answer: where sterile items are stored until needed. 
Loaner Area correct a...

final exam notes sterile processing
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2022
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sterilizing steam cycle correct answer: condition>sterile>exhaust>drying 
EO sterilization benefets correct answer: heat, moisture, pressure sensitive 
kill action= alkalation 
LGTP (low gas temperature plasma) is used for correct answer: plastic peel pouches, lumens 
what exactly does an SPD do? correct answer: receives 
SPD is responsible for providing correct answer: dependable and reliable services to enhance ...

Sterile Processing Board Exam| 77 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2022
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A broken glass suction bottle is returned to decontamination. Which of the following should the technician do- correct answer: place it in the appropriate rigid container 
Material Safety Data Sheets provide health and safety hazard and risk information on which of the following- correct answer: chemical 
Which of the following is an ethical responsibility of an individual working in the central processing department- correct answer: maintaining patient confidentiality 
Which of the fol...

Sterile processing exam one| 80 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
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1. Explain the importance of the CS department with an emphasis on the service provided and its role in quality patience care? correct answer: Central service (CS) personnel provide service to their customers, in addition to products such as case carts, sterilized instrument 
sets and patient care equipment. Excellent customer service is an important 
key to each department's success within every healthcare facility. If customer 
service is weak, CS personnel may create problems, such as delay...

Chapter 1 - The Basics of Sterile Processing| 50 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2022
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Decontamination room correct answer: Where soiled items are received and cleaned 
Prep and packaging area correct answer: Where cleaned items are inspected, assembled, and packaged. 
High level disinfectant room correct answer: Where items are high level disinfected then go to prep and package area 
Sterilization area correct answer: where terminal sterilization is performed. 
Sterile storage area correct answer: where sterile items are stored until needed. 
dispatch area correct ...

Sterile Processing Final Exam Practice Test| 225 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 33 pages • 2022
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- $12.99
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An osteotome is 
(A) used to cut or shave bone. 
(B) a retractor. 
(C) a hemostatic forceps. 
(D) none of the above. correct answer: A 
When returning loaner items to the vendor 
(A) all items should be completely assembled, tested and sterile. 
(B) trays should be returned immediately after point-of-use cleaning.(C) all items should be cleaned and decontaminated. 
(D) trays should be terminally sterilized before returning them to the vendor. correct answer: C 
The first goal of creati...

Sterile Processing Chapters 1-12| 140 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2022
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The main role of the sterile processing area is? correct answer: To provide dependable reliable services to ehance the quality of patient care. 
Ethicis is the practice of? correct answer: Doing the right thing 
Recommended practices are? correct answer: Statements of sound principals of practice that are based on scientific data and the opinions of experts. 
The health insurance portability and accountability act provide for which? correct answer: Confidentiality. 
Before a pesticid...

sterile processing 80 questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
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- $8.49
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exhange cart system an inventory system in which desired inventory items are placed on a cart which is correct answer: maintained in another location and exchanged once daily to unsure that sufficient supplies are available at all times 
ETO has an correct answer: 8 hour aeration time 
the drain on a steam sterilizer should be correct answer: clean daily 
the caring of flash sterilized trays is correct answer: difficult because there is no protective wrapping 
implants correct answer...

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