Wayne State University
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Different sounds of the respiratory tract and what they can mean
Assessment of cardiac disorders, meds used for treatment, and signs and symptoms.
Assessment of cardiac disorders, what they are, meds used for treatment, and signs and symptoms
Cardiac disorders of the heart, assessment, and meds used to treat
Lower GI disorders, signs and symptoms, and meds used
Assessment of the upper GI, disorders from mouth to stomach, signs and symptoms of disorders, and meds
Difference between type 1 and 2 diabetes, meds, signs and symptoms of diseases caused by diabetes (HHNS and DKA)
Hypertension disorder, signs and symptoms, meds, and assessment of hypertension.
Hepatic function, diseases, signs and symptoms, and meds used to treat them. Gallbladder function and disorders
Review of upper respiratory diseases, assessment of upper respiratory, signs and symptoms, and meds used.

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