Capella University
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Analyzing Focus GroupWalden UniversitySOCW 6311:Social Work Practice Research IIList the m
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SOCW 6311 Analyzing Focus GroupAnalyzing Focus GroupWalden UniversitySOCW 6311:Social Work Practice Research IIList the main themes and provide an analysis of the current barriers to services. After looking through the content analysis of the focus group, I found that in the Asian community, it's essential for social workers to understand the significant role that culture plays in their decision-making process. The main themes listed in this analysis include access to services, quality of servi...

Drafting A Process EvaluationMasters in Social Work, Walden UniversitySOCW 6311: Social Wo
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SOCW 6311 Drafting A Process EvaluationDrafting A Process EvaluationMasters in Social Work, Walden UniversitySOCW 6311: Social Work Practice Research ll"My Program" is an initiative in Missouri City, Texas, that aims to meet the needs of newly released sexual offenders as well as underprivileged urban communities. The demographic group being targeted experiences notable challenges due to unequal access to mental health education, job prospects, and necessary treatments. The initiative seeks to...

Single-Subject Design StudyMaster of Social Work, Walden UniversitySOCW 6311: SW Practice
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SOCW 6311 SingleSingle-Subject Design StudyMaster of Social Work, Walden UniversitySOCW 6311: SW Practice Research IISingle-Subject Design Study Introduction Tiffani is a 16-year-old heterosexual Caucasian female who was referred to services after being arrested for prostitution. Tiffani has experienced human trafficking, substance abuse, and physical abuse. The aim of this study is determining the effectiveness of evidence-based interventions STRIVE and MST with Tiffany. Do multiple evidence-ba...

Week 10 AssignmentSOCW 6311Designing a Plan for Outcome Evaluation Program Unhealthy youth
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SOCW 6311 Week 10 AssignmentWeek 10 AssignmentSOCW 6311Designing a Plan for Outcome Evaluation Program Unhealthy youth development takes an extreme toll over a lifespan (Jenson & Hawkins, 2015). Scientific evidence over the past thirty years confirms that unhealthy youth development can be prevented (Jenson & Hawkins, 2015). Unleashing the Power of Prevention is a nationwide mobilization that aligns with the National Association of Social Workers social work's core values of service, social jus...

Week 7 AssignmentSOCW 6311Working with Data The Chi-Square case study investigates the ef
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SOCW 6311 Week 7 AssignmentWeek 7 AssignmentSOCW 6311Working with Data The Chi-Square case study investigates the effectiveness of a vocational rehabilitation intervention program for former prison inmates using a quasi-experimental comparison (Walden University, 2022). The study offers suggestions that the vocational rehabilitation intervention program could be successful in improving full-time employment opportunities. Use of Chi Square Statistic for Evaluation and Research Design The socia...

Week 9 AssignmentDrafting a Process Evaluation Program Healthy youth development includes,
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SOCW 6311 Week 9 AssignmentWeek 9 AssignmentDrafting a Process Evaluation Program Healthy youth development includes, "providing all youth with the support, relationships, experiences, resources, and opportunities needed to become successful and competent adults." (Bernat & Resnick, 2006). Youth is a crucial stage in the development of cognitive, emotional, social, physical, and economic functions. It is during this time that youth develop the necessary skills to proceed into adulthood ready, ...

Week 2- Programs vs. Policy: The Case of JoeMaster's in Social Work 6351: Social Policy, W
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SOCW 6351 Week 2Week 2- Programs vs. Policy: The Case of JoeMaster's in Social Work 6351: Social Policy, Welfare, and ChangePrograms the Social Worker in the Case Study EngagedDue to Joes's condition related to his mental illness, lack of income and access to medical coverage, the social worker at the County Division of Social Services helps him engage in wide range of programs aimed at stabilizing him and helping Joe overcome his identified challenged. Disability is the primary program that t...

Letter To Your RepresentativeWalden UniversitySOCW 6361: Social Policy: Analysis AdvocacyL
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SOCW 6361 Letter To Your RepresentativeLetter To Your RepresentativeWalden UniversitySOCW 6361: Social Policy: Analysis AdvocacyLetter To Your Representative The experience of sending the letter to Senator Boozman was exhilarating. I have been working on gun safety and policy to advocate against school shootings all semester, and it feels like it paid off to be able to support it professionally. Advocating against school shootings has always been a compassion of mine because of the school shooti...

Walden UniversityWeek 6 AssignmentSOCW 6361Substance abuse is a proven problem in the Unit
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SOCW 6361 Walden UniversityWalden UniversityWeek 6 AssignmentSOCW 6361Substance abuse is a proven problem in the United States. Substance abuse affects individuals of all ages, takes a toll on your family, and has negative effects on your health. "Substance abuse is a disease that, left untreated, can destroy individual's families, and community life" (Steenord, 2010). The Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000 was approved by California voters and provides offenders who were convicted...

Patriotism and Purpose: Military Funeral DetailBarbara Solomon School of Social Work, Wald
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SOCW 6410 Patriotism and PurposePatriotism and Purpose: Military Funeral DetailBarbara Solomon School of Social Work, Walden UniversitySOCW 6410: Military Culture for Social WorkersIntroductionMilitary Funeral Detail The ceremonial customs of the military funeral consist of honoring those who served by following traditions that stem from ancient military use (Schading, and Schading, 2007) . The While the casket is going to the ground "Taps" is played by a bugler. Two service members then fold a ...

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