
Capella University

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5003assignment6.docx  Running head: THEORY APPLICATION  5003-Ass-6  Theory Application Capella University  Human Behavior and the Social Environment 1  Theory Application  Theories are a very important aspect of social work practice. This paper focuses on
  • 5003assignment6.docx Running head: THEORY APPLICATION 5003-Ass-6 Theory Application Capella University Human Behavior and the Social Environment 1 Theory Application Theories are a very important aspect of social work practice. This paper focuses on

  • Summary • 4 pages • 2021
  • Running head: THEORY APPLICATION 5003-Ass-6 Theory Application Capella University Human Behavior and the Social Environment 1 Theory Application Theories are a very important aspect of social work practice. This paper focuses on the social learning theory and provides an overview of assessment, intervention, and evaluation, application to social work practice, and comparison of other theories which will be discussed in this text. Social Learning Theory Processes of Assessment, Interventio...
  • Braingain
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7705 u03a01.docx    RUNNING HEAD: FACILITATED COMMUNICATION  Facilitated Communication  PSYC 7705  Facilitated Communication  Facilitated Communication (FC) is a technique used by individuals with communicative impairments and disorders, and involves the
  • 7705 u03a01.docx RUNNING HEAD: FACILITATED COMMUNICATION Facilitated Communication PSYC 7705 Facilitated Communication Facilitated Communication (FC) is a technique used by individuals with communicative impairments and disorders, and involves the

  • Summary • 3 pages • 2021
  • 7705 RUNNING HEAD: FACILITATED COMMUNICATION Facilitated Communication PSYC 7705 Facilitated Communication Facilitated Communication (FC) is a technique used by individuals with communicative impairments and disorders, and involves the use of a keyboard and an assistant referred to as a facilitator, whom provides both physical and emotional support to the individuals (Schlosser, Balandin, Hemsley, Lacono, Probst, & Vontetzchner, 2014). The use of these facilitators has raised reasonable ...
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7705 u05a01.docx    Running head: AROMATIC AMMONIA AS A PUNISHMENT PROCEDURE  Aromatic Ammonia as a Punishment Procedure  Capella University  Introduction  In the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA), behavior analysts will strive to only include the
  • 7705 u05a01.docx Running head: AROMATIC AMMONIA AS A PUNISHMENT PROCEDURE Aromatic Ammonia as a Punishment Procedure Capella University Introduction In the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA), behavior analysts will strive to only include the

  • Summary • 4 pages • 2021
  • 7705 Running head: AROMATIC AMMONIA AS A PUNISHMENT PROCEDURE Aromatic Ammonia as a Punishment Procedure Capella University Introduction In the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA), behavior analysts will strive to only include the use of aversive punishment procedures as a last resort. This type of procedure occurs for the purpose of decreasing a challenging behavior the client engages in, by the removal of some stimulus (Cooper, Heron, Heward, 2007). One of the highly controversial...
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7823 Unit 10 Assignment  Child Abuse Middle School Case Study.docx    ED7823  Child Abuse: Middle School  Unit 10 Case Study ED7823: Education and the Law   Capella University  Abstract  Principals and school staff members are ultimately responsible for t
  • 7823 Unit 10 Assignment Child Abuse Middle School Case Study.docx ED7823 Child Abuse: Middle School Unit 10 Case Study ED7823: Education and the Law Capella University Abstract Principals and school staff members are ultimately responsible for t

  • Summary • 11 pages • 2021
  • 7823 Unit 10 Assignment Child Abuse Middle School Case S ED7823 Child Abuse: Middle School Unit 10 Case Study ED7823: Education and the Law Capella University Abstract Principals and school staff members are ultimately responsible for the safety of children inside of the school. This case study questions the schools appropriate levels of safety measures to protect its occupants. During instructional hours, a father was able to enter a middle school, go directly to his childs classroom,...
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7860 u06d01.docx    Qualitative Approaches to Research  Based on the qualitative study that uses either a generic approach or phenomenological approach that you researched for the library search assigned in your studies for this unit, address the followin
  • 7860 u06d01.docx Qualitative Approaches to Research Based on the qualitative study that uses either a generic approach or phenomenological approach that you researched for the library search assigned in your studies for this unit, address the followin

  • Summary • 2 pages • 2021
  • 7860 Qualitative Approaches to Research Based on the qualitative study that uses either a generic approach or phenomenological approach that you researched for the library search assigned in your studies for this unit, address the following: ‚·Identify whether a generic qualitative approach or a phenomenological approach was used, and describe the characteristics of the research that provide evidence to support your identification. ‚·Identify the key phenomena under investigation. ...
  • Braingain
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7860 u07d01.docx    Qualitative Research Design  Based on the qualitative study you researched for the library search assigned in your studies for this unit, address the following:  ‚·Describe the characteristics of the research that provide evidence that
  • 7860 u07d01.docx Qualitative Research Design Based on the qualitative study you researched for the library search assigned in your studies for this unit, address the following: ‚·Describe the characteristics of the research that provide evidence that

  • Summary • 2 pages • 2021
  • 7860 Qualitative Research Design Based on the qualitative study you researched for the library search assigned in your studies for this unit, address the following: ‚·Describe the characteristics of the research that provide evidence that either an ethnographic or case study approach was used. ‚·     Identify the key phenomena under investigation. ‚·    Describe the data collection process, including the role of the researcher. ‚·    Describe the qualitative app...
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Action Research Area of Focus.docx    ECE 660  Action Research Area of Focus University of Arizona  ECE 660  The purpose of my study is to get parents to be more involved in their students education.  It is important for family engagement and participatio
  • Action Research Area of Focus.docx ECE 660 Action Research Area of Focus University of Arizona ECE 660 The purpose of my study is to get parents to be more involved in their students education. It is important for family engagement and participatio

  • Summary • 2 pages • 2021
  • Action Research Area of F ECE 660 Action Research Area of Focus University of Arizona ECE 660 The purpose of my study is to get parents to be more involved in their students education. It is important for family engagement and participation; having the parents understand the benefits of why it is important will be part of the purpose of my study. When parents are engaged and involved it gives their child a sense of stability and a comfort in knowing they are cared about. It is vital for ...
  • Braingain
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BSN FP4002   Assessment2.docx    BHA_FPX4102  Assessment, Communication, and Collaboration  Patient Communication  Capella University  Patient Communication  Communication is an integral aspect in healthcare, whether it be between peers, the nurse and pat
  • BSN FP4002 Assessment2.docx BHA_FPX4102 Assessment, Communication, and Collaboration Patient Communication Capella University Patient Communication Communication is an integral aspect in healthcare, whether it be between peers, the nurse and pat

  • Summary • 6 pages • 2021
  • BSN FP4002 A BHA_FPX4102 Assessment, Communication, and Collaboration Patient Communication Capella University Patient Communication Communication is an integral aspect in healthcare, whether it be between peers, the nurse and patients, with family members, or the interdisciplinary team. Effective nurse“patient communication is important in improving quality of health care (Alshammari, Duff, & Guilhermino, 2019). Communication is an important skill to have in healthcare as communica...
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BSN FP4002   Assessment4.docx  BSN_FP4002  Collaboration and Teamwork in Health Care  Capella University Assessment,  Communication, and Collaboration  Collaboration and Teamwork in Health Care  Collaboration and Teamwork in Health Care  Interdisciplinary
  • BSN FP4002 Assessment4.docx BSN_FP4002 Collaboration and Teamwork in Health Care Capella University Assessment, Communication, and Collaboration Collaboration and Teamwork in Health Care Collaboration and Teamwork in Health Care Interdisciplinary

  • Summary • 5 pages • 2021
  • BSN FP4002 A BSN_FP4002 Collaboration and Teamwork in Health Care Capella University Assessment, Communication, and Collaboration Collaboration and Teamwork in Health Care Collaboration and Teamwork in Health Care Interdisciplinary collaboration is essential to running a high efficiency facility and improving patient satisfaction, as well as patient outcomes. Communication and teamwork are the backbones of the organization and helps to safeguard patients safety (Amudha, Hamidah, Annamma...
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BSN FP4004   Assessment1 1.docx  BSN_FP4004  Information Systems in Nursing  Capella University  Nursing Research and Informatics  Information Systems in Nursing  South Jersey Hospital is servicing their five surrounding communities with a wide variety of
  • BSN FP4004 Assessment1 1.docx BSN_FP4004 Information Systems in Nursing Capella University Nursing Research and Informatics Information Systems in Nursing South Jersey Hospital is servicing their five surrounding communities with a wide variety of

  • Summary • 8 pages • 2021
  • BSN FP4004 Assessment1 BSN_FP4004 Information Systems in Nursing Capella University Nursing Research and Informatics Information Systems in Nursing South Jersey Hospital is servicing their five surrounding communities with a wide variety of specialty facilities including their two large hospitals, multiple urgent care and surgery centers. South Jersey Health Center started using an information system called Cerner in 2018. Cerner is an electronic medical record database which offers a f...
  • Braingain
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