NURS 615 (NURS615)
Maryville University Of St. Louis
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NURS 615 Pharm Exam with Questions and Correct Answers (2025)Maryville College Package Deal

- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- $12.00
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1. What is Tiotropium (SPIRIVA) used to treat? 
- Used in the management/ maintenance treatment of chronic obstructive 
pulmonary disease (COPD) which includes chronic bronchitis and 
2. What is the drug classification of Tiotropium? – 
>It is a long-acting, 24H anticholinergic-bronchodilator. 
>It is a muscurinic receptor antagonist, often referred to as an antimuscurinic 
or anticholinergic agent. 
3. What is the mechanism of action of Tiotropium (SPIRIVA) 
- It does not di...

NURS 615 Pharm Exam 1 – Maryville
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- $12.00
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1. How does hypoalbuminemia affect the process of prescribing? - Low 
albumin = more free drug (bc the drug can't bind to albumin aka protein) = 
increased adverse effects 
2. What is a Black Box Warning: - is considered a contraindication to 
administer that drug. 
3. What is the drugs half-life? - Half-life specifically means the amount of time 
it takes for an administered drug to be halfway cleared from the system. 
4. Peak of action: - the time between drug administration and maximum 

Maryville NURS 615 Pharm Exam 2
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- $12.00
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1. Carbamazepine (Tegretol) can sometimes show subtherapeutic range due to 
- Carbamazepine auto-induces metabolism, leading to lower levels despite 
good compliance 
2. What are the black box warnings for Carbamazepine? 
- Dermatologic reactions 
1. Steven's Johnson 
2. Toxic epidermal necrolysis 
3. What lab test should be ordered for patients on Carbamazepine? 
- CBC every 3-4 months because it can cause decreased WBC, decreased 
platelets, and trouble with RBC 
4. What kind of teac...

Pharm Exam 3 Maryville NURS 615
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- $12.00
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How do antigout medications work? - by inhibiting the infiltration and 
phagocytosis of leukocytes, thus decreasing the breakdown of uric acid to urate 
Deposition of urate crystals causes - pain and inflammation 
What is Colchicine - anti-gout medication 
how does Colchicine work? - Works by inhibiting inflammation, reducing pain and 
common side effects of Colchicine - GI problems (diarrhea) use with caution in 
Also can cause blood dyscrasias & abdominal pain 

Maryville University Nursing 615 Exam 3 Review
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- $11.00
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Low-dose colchine - 1.2 mg at first sign of flare, followed by 0.6 mg one hour later 
for a total dose of 1.8 mg. 
High-dose colchine - 1.2 mg followed by 0.6 mg every 4-6 hours totaling 4.8 mg. 
Gout - BUN, creatinine, and creatinine clearance should be monitored in the 
treatment of this disease 
Colchine - This medication can cause severe diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal 
Febuxostat (Uloric) - When prescribing this medication, patients should be taught 
that gout may worsen with th...
This is a comprehensive and detailed assignment on; Antibiotic resistance.
This is a comprehensive and detailed summary outline of chapter 2; review of basic principles of Pharmacology.
Detailed and comprehensive assignment on bipolar disorder.
This is a comprehensive and detailed study guide on Exam 2 or Nurs 615. 
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