NURS 663 (NURS663)
Maryville University Of St. Louis
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NURS 663- Exam 1 Questions and Answers 2024
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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Patient comes in with symptoms of mania followed by periods of depression; what is it? - bipolar 1 
patient comes in with hypomania/regular mood (euthymic) followed by periods of depression, what is it? - bipolar 2 
how many symptoms of mania must you have to have "full" mania? - seven of thirteen 
what is the difference between mania and hypomania? - hypomania has less severe symptoms; 3 symptoms over shorter period of time (hypomania) 
Cyclothymia - a disorder that consists of mood swing...
NURS 663- Exam 1 Questions and Answers 2024
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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Patient comes in with symptoms of mania followed by periods of depression; what is it? - bipolar 1 
patient comes in with hypomania/regular mood (euthymic) followed by periods of depression, what is it? - bipolar 2 
how many symptoms of mania must you have to have "full" mania? - seven of thirteen 
what is the difference between mania and hypomania? - hypomania has less severe symptoms; 3 symptoms over shorter period of time (hypomania) 
Cyclothymia - a disorder that consists of mood swing...
NURS 663 Exam 1 Study Guide 2024
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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Bipolar one disorder DSM five criteria - Manic episode: 1+ week of a colon elevated, expansive or irritable mood and increase energy. 3+ symptoms from B: distractibility, indiscretion, irresponsible, grandiosity, flight of ideas, activity (Increase goal-orient), decreased need for sleep, talkativeness or pressured speech. 
Bipolar two DSM five criteria - Hypo mania and major depressive disorder: hypo mania same as mania with decreased severity and duration and no functional impairment for episod...
A.T Maryville NURS 663 Exam 2
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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Lithium labs - level, NA, Ca, P, EKG, Creatinine, Urinalysis, CBC, TSH 
bipolar meds: depression - lurasidone (13+), olanzapine + fluoxetine 
bipolar acute and mixed mania - aripiprazole, risperidone, olanzapine (13+), 
quetiapine (acute only), asenapine (10+) 
classic mood stabilizers - Lamotrigine (excellent medication to use), lithium, 
Depakote (avoid in females if possible due to PCOS and Pregnancy), Tegretol, 
Trileptal (no evidence for true Bipolar disorder) 
NURS 663 Test 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2024
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- $8.00
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Bipolar disorder acronym 
D- distractibility 
F-flight of ideas 
A-activity, hyperactive 
S- sleep; requiring less 
T- talkativeness 
BPD type 1 timing - mania lasts at least 1 week 
rapid cycling definition - at least 4 cycles per year with 8 weeks of well periods 
BPD 2 definition - current or past hypomanic episode AND current or past major 
depressive episode 
cyclothymia definition - episodes of weeks to months of being happy and energetic 
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NURS 663 Test 4
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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NURS 663 Test 4 
substance use disorder specifier criteria – 
Mild: 2-3 symptoms 
Moderate: 4-5 symtpoms 
Severe: >6 symptoms 
DSM for substance use disorder - over 12 months 
use increase amount 
persistant desire or can't cut down 
lots of time spent on substance 
failure to fill roles 
social/personal problems 
activities given up/reduced 
use when physically hazardous 
continue despite problem 
abuse - use of any drug in a manner that deviates from app...
Maryville NURS 663 Exam 3 Megadeck Revised
- Exam (elaborations) • 44 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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Difference in conduct disorder and ODD - Conduct try to control others, ODD 
Conduct disorder often progresses to - Antisocial disorder 
This diagnosis does not include torchering animals - ODD 
This is a screening tool for OPIOIDs - COWS 
Drugs for Opioid withdrawal - Clonidine, Methdaone, Naltrexone 
This drug causes paranoia, hallucinations, sensory disorientation, sweating, 
dehydration, increased body temp - LSD 
What part of the brain does PTSD have an effect on - Amygdala, Prefro...
NURS 663 Maryville Psych Exam 3
- Exam (elaborations) • 26 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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pharmacologic agents for PTSD - med tx is focused on diminishing intrusive 
thoughts, hyperarousal, and avoidance, with some success and mixed results 
PTSD frequent comorbidity - depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, and 
behavioral problems associated with ______________ 
sertraline and paroxetine - that __________and ______________ are approved by 
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the treatment of PTSD in adults, there 
is scant evidence to support its use for the core symptoms of ...
Maryville NURS663 Exam 2 (SU22)
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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Phases of Grief 
· Shock and denial (days-weeks) acute anguish, lost patterns of conduct, resolution 
· Denial, bargaining, depression, anger, acceptance 
· No real timeline, comes in waves 
Grief vs. MDD 
· Grief- Sx may meet syndromal criteria for MDD episode, but survivor rarely has 
morbid feelings of guilt, worthlessness, SI, or psychomotor retardation 
o Considers self bereaved 
o Dysphoria often triggered by thoughts or reminders of the deceased 
o Onset within 2 months...
Patho Exam 3 Study Guide
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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Functions of the Endocrine System 
-Growth and development 
-Sex differentiation 
-Adaptation to an ever-changing environment 
-Regulation of digestion 
-Use and storage of nutrients (Electrolyte and water metabolism) 
-Reproductive functions 
The mechanism of hormones 
Hormones interact with high-affinity receptors. These are linked to one or more 
effector system in the cell. 
Some receptors are located on the surface of the cell. These act through second 
messenger mechanisms. 
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