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SIE Study Guide with complete solutions 2023 update
- Exam (elaborations) • 66 pages • 2023
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Section 1: Knowledge of Capital Markets 
The SEC 
when created 
protect investos, maintin fair orderly & efficient markets, facilitate capital formation 
by congress in 1934 
US federal government 
enforce federal security laws & create laws that regulate securities industry 
enforces Securities act 1933/1934, trust indenture act 1939, investment company act 1940, investment advisors act 1940 
SROs (Self-Regulatory Organizations) 
SIE Exam 2023/24 with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 104 pages • 2023
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What is cost basis? 
The original purchase price plus any transaction costs 
The transaction charges affiliated with the purchase of any security 
The net after-tax purchase price per share of common stock 
The amount of any gain or loss if a different transaction had occurred 
A. The original purchase price plus any transaction costs 
Which of the following corporate securities carries the greatest risk to the investor? 
Commercial paper 
Common stock 
Preferred s...
SIE Exam study guide 2023/24 with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 26 pages • 2023
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Do common stock holders have to right to inspect all books of a company? 
No, only certain items suchs as the income statement and balance sheet 
Order of asset distribution 
Secured debt 
Unsecured debt 
Preferred stock holders 
Common stock holders 
What type of corporate security is considered the riskiest? 
Common stock 
Of all securities, common stock has historically 
Provided the best hedge against inflation, best capital appreciation potential 
SIE practice exam questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
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A customer writes an MMM January 70 put at 6. The maximum potential gain on this position is 
Your customer is long 1 October 75 put at 2. The customer's maximum gain potential is 
Large time deposits of more than $100,000 are considered to be found in what part of the money supply? 
By purchasing shares of stock in a company, investors can benefit from which of the following? 
An increase in the price of the shares 
An increase in price of the company's debt s...
SIE exam caril questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 34 pages • 2023
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What type of risk is unique to a specific industry, business enterprise, or investment type? 
Nonsystematic risk 
Under which of the following circumstances is an investor in a position to acquire stock? 
Buy a call, sell a call (The holder of a call has the right to buy stock at the strike price if exercised. The seller of a put is obligated to buy stock at the strike price if exercised) 
Options- a premium 
the cost of an option contract, expressed in dollars per share of the under...
Want to regain your expenses?
SIE Exam study guide with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 185 pages • 2023
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- $7.99
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purpose of securities industry 
matching investors with money to issuers that need that money to finance 
legal entity that sells securities in order to finance its operations (business, governments) ie. us treasury, us gov agencies, foreign governments, state and local governments, corps, banks 
methods issuers use to raise capital 
1) issue debt securities (bonds) and 2) issues equity securities (stocks) 
debt securities 
publically traded loans = bonds, notes, or deb...
SIE Practice Exam questions with verified correct answers 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
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Which corporate voting procedures entitles a shareholder to one vote per share, and votes must be divided evenly among the candidates being voted on? 
Statutory voting 
What market refers to the trading of exchange-listed securities in the over-the-counter market? These trades allow institutional investors to trade blocks of securities directly, rather than through an exchange, providing liquidity and anonymity to buyers. 
Third market 
An investor sells a naked call on Omikron for a...
FINRA SIE Exam questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 23 pages • 2023
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If interest Rates fall the issuer will most likely call which bonds first? 
High Dividend Rate preferred issues trading at a premium 
What are some actions by a corporation will affect an individuals common shareholder's equity 
Conversion of convertible preferred stocks or bond 
Repurchase of common shares 
Issuance of additional common shares 
(Stock splits do not effect shareholders equity but it must be voted on because it effects Par Value) 
Benefits to a Convertible stock co...
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