Fordham University
Latest uploads at Fordham University. Looking for notes at Fordham University? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Provide an in-depth summary of 40+ pages of assigned reading with main topics from each section of the book.
Notes of Faith and Critical Reasoning
Class notes from CLAS 2000 T&C Greek and Roman Myths
Intro to ch. 3. bolded words are vocab for exams. has images and simple notes to help you understand the overall content.
bolded words are for the exams. has definitions and images to help understand the overall chapter.
definitions in the textbook as well as images that help you learn the overall chapter. Bolded words are vocab for exams.
This document includes full notes on demonstrative adjectives, as seen in Chapter 4 of Gente.
This document includes the entirety of Chapter 1 from Pearson's Spanish textbook, Gente.
Here is a full key terms study guide for the second half of the intro to the New Testament. It includes bullet point explanations of major terms needed to know for the final essay.
This is a full in depth notes about sleep for natural science class human function and dysfunction!