Wagner College
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Latest notes & summaries Wagner College
1. Which is true about a study framework? 
a. It guides nurses in clinical practice. 
b. It explains a portion of a theory. 
c. It is one of the major ideas of a theory. 
d. It is the underlying methodology used in research. 
A The knowledge gained from testing theories is used to guide nursing practice. 
B A study framework is a brief explanation of a theory or those portions of a 
theory that are to be tested in a study. 
C Concepts are the major ideas contained in a theory. ...
1. Which type of research design focuses on implementation of a treatment by the researcher? 
a. Correlational 
b. Descriptive 
c. Experimental 
d. Longitudinal 
A Correlational and descriptive designs are nonexperimental studies that focus on 
examining variables as they naturally occur and not on the implementation of a 
treatment by the researcher. 
B Correlational and descriptive designs are nonexperimental studies that focus on 
examining variables as they naturally occur ...
1. A researcher conducts a study which outlines the daily habits of 
women who are overweight. This study represents what type of 
a. Correlational 
b. Descriptive 
c. Experimental 
d. Quasi-experimental 
A Correlational research 
investigates the relationship 
between or among variables. 
B Descriptive research is the 
exploration of phenomena in 
real-life situations. 
C Experimental research is an 
objective, systematic, highly 
controlled investigation for the 
1. What role does qualitative research play in evidence-based practice (EBP)? 
a. Because it does not involve random-controlled trials (RCTs), it does not contribute 
directly to EBP. 
b. It offers a systematic approach for yielding insights into human experience and 
c. It provides a way to measure and evaluate quality outcomes that affect patient care. 
d. It provides the basis for most EBP guidelines and patient care protocols. 
A Many insights gained through qual...
1. One reason for conducting a review of the literature other than for purposes of developing a 
research study is to: 
a. determine the expertise of researchers in the field of study. 
b. identify current theoretical frameworks. 
c. implement evidence-based practice guidelines. 
d. work in a Magnet-certified hospital setting. 
A Evaluation of the expertise of researchers and identification of theoretical 
frameworks are part of literature reviews but are not the reason for con...
ATI Pharmacology UAMS Pharm II EXAM 3 ATI Questions
Chapter 38- Oxygenation and Perfusion 
-	Performs its functions through pulmonary ventilation, respiration and perfusion -	Normal functioning depends on: 
o	Integrity of the airway system to transport air to & from lungs o Oxygenate venous blood; remove carbon dioxide from blood o Properly functioning cardiovascular system to carry nutrients 
-	Upper airway 
o	Function: warm, filter, humidify inspired air o Nose, pharynx, larynx, epiglottis 
-	Lower airway 
o	Function: conduction of air, mucocil...
NR 351 Week 5 exam with answers - Wagner College (A grade) 
NR 351 Exam 5 
Chapter 38- Oxygenation and Perfusion 
•	Performs its functions through pulmonary ventilation, respiration and perfusion 
•	Normal functioning depends on: 
•	Integrity of the airway system to transport air to & from lungs 
•	Oxygenate venous blood; remove carbon dioxide from blood 
•	Properly functioning cardiovascular system to carry nutrients 
•	Upper airway 
•	Function: warm, filter, humidify inspired...
NR 351 Week 4 Exam with answers - Wagner College (A grade) 
NR 351 Exam 4 
Chapter 30 
Hygiene- measure of personal cleanliness 
	Factors affecting it: culture, economic class, spiritual practice, health state 
Assessing the Skin 
•	Head-to-toe sequence 
•	Compare bilateral for symmetry 
•	What to consider? 
•	Cleanliness, color, temperature, turgor, moisture, sensation, vascularity, evidence of lesions (ABCDE) 
Assessment of Oral Cavity 
•	Lips- color/moisture 
•	Buccal mucosa- ...
NR 351 Week 3 Exam with answers - Wagner College (A grade) 
NR 351 Exam 3 
Chapter 20 
Communication- PRIMARY aspect- can be verbal or nonverbal 
Encoder- person who starts message/communication uses a ‘medium/channel’ 
Decoder- receiver of communication 
Gait- how people walk 
Electronic communication- depends on the policy of where you work; ex/ e-mail 
Four Levels of Communication 
•	Intrapersonal- self talk, communication with one self; ex/ positivity 
•	Interpersonal- occurs...