Biology (BIO1111)
Temple University
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- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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Final Exam was held on December 14th, 2022, Vocabulary used also in recent years, so it makes a decent guide to what to look up and write down to learn for all 4 exams leading up to the Final Exam aswell.
exam 4 prep sheet that can be used as the cheat sheet we are allowed during the exam. Has all the definitions on the teachers recommended study guide
General Microbiology Lab Final Study Guide
Lab 12 Exercise # 8 Applied Genetics Problems
Lab 13 worksheet # 9, BLAST online sequence search and DNA translation to protein

PA 195 Biology A-Level MCQ-Problem-Sets_Protein Synthesis Dna & Rna
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2021
- $9.99
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PA 195 Biology A-Level MCQ-Problem-Sets-Protein-Synthesis-Dna & Rna 
Q1. Which type of molecule is the end product of translation? a. amino acid b. DNA c. mRNA d. polypeptide 2. RNA is extracted from β cells in the pancreas. It is used to make DNA coding for human insulin. Which enzyme is used to...

PA 195 Biology A-Level MCQ-Problem-Sets_Protein Synthesis Dna & Rna_2020
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2021
- $9.99
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PA 195 Biology A-Level MCQ-Problem-Sets-Protein-Synthesis-Dna & Rna 
1.	Which type of molecule is the end product of translation? 
a.	amino acid 
b.	DNA 
c.	mRNA 
d.	polypeptide 
2.	RNA is extracted from β cells in the pancreas. It is used to make DNA coding for human insulin. Which enzyme is used to make the DNA? 
a.	DNA ligase 
b.	restriction enzyme 
c.	reverse transcriptase 
d.	RNA polymerase 
3.	A peptide consists of ten amino acids of four different kinds. 
What is the theoretica...

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