Temple University
Latest uploads at Temple University. Looking for notes at Temple University? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries Temple University
Cunnigham article wit annotations
Brief notes from brief lectures from Women in U.S. History. Her class was never very lecture heavy with slides, mostly dialogue and source overview.
My presentation from Women in U.S. History about women in bootlegging and rum running in the Roaring Twenties during Prohibition. Good Model
Intermediate Spanish in-class activities and a little bit of dialogue.
Intermediate Spanish in-class activities and a little bit of dialogue.
Intermediate Spanish in-class activities and a little bit of dialogue.
A collection of the final part of class notes from the class as taught by Prof. Christopher Williams.
A collection of the second part of class notes from the class as taught by Prof. Christopher Williams.
A collection of the first part of class notes from the class as taught by Prof. Christopher Williams.
The last set of a few (six, I believe) chapters of notes from Adolescent Development for Educators as taught by prof. Cody Hunter.