General Chemistry I (CHM1151)
Villanova University
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This presentation covers Experiment 8: Atomic Emission Spectra for a General Chemistry 1 Lab.
This bundle contains notes from the first 9 chapters of a Chemistry textbook. This should cover the first semester of General Chemistry 1.
This presentation covers Experiment 9: VSEPR and Polarity for a General Chemistry 1 Lab.
This presentation contains notes on Experiment 7: Thermochemistry and Solution Calorimetry of a General Chemistry 1 Lab.
This presentation contains notes on Experiment 5: Acid-Base Titration of a General Chemistry 1 Lab.
This presentation contains notes on Experiment 4: Selective Precipitation of a General Chemistry 1 Lab.
This presentation covers Experiment 3: Chemical Reactions of a General Chemistry 1 Lab.
This document covers Experiment 2: Determining the Empirical Formula of a Compound.
This document covers Experiment 1: Accuracy and Precision of Laboratory Glassware and Determining Density of a General Chemistry 1 Lab.

General Chemistry 1 Final Exam Review - Chapter 2
- Class notes • 3 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $14.49
- + learn more
This document contains notes on Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions. It is designed for final exam review.

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