HIS 144 (HIS 144 QUIZ 1)
Ashford University
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HISTORY 144 QUIZ 4_HIS 144 Quiz 4 Questions and Answers: Ashford University
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- $7.85
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HIS 144 QUIZ 4 
1. In Gibbons v. Ogden the Supreme Court established the precedent of judicial review. 
forbade state legislatures to alter a college charter in order to gain control over 
confirmed the federal government's power to regulate commerce overruled that of 
the states. 
declared the international slave trade unconstitutional. handed the victory in the 1824 election to John Quincy Adams. 
2.	Which of the following was not a factor that led to the Agrarian revolt o...

HISTORY 144 QUIZ 3_HIS 144 Quiz 3 Questions and Answers: Ashford University
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
- $7.45
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HIS144 QUIZ 3 (10/10) 
1. Which of the following best describes John Adams's concept of "mixed government"? 
Both men and women would play a role in the nation's politics. African Americans deserved their place in the political arena next to white 
The powers of government were separated into the legislative, executive, 
and judiciary branch. 
A bicameral legislature of senators and representatives would temper the 
volatility of simple majority rule. 
Northern and Southern st...

HISTORY 144 QUIZ 2_ HIS 144 Quiz 2 Questions and Answers: Ashford University
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
- $7.40
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HIS144 QUIZ 2 
1. As a result of the Great Awakening, the Baptists 
lost large numbers of the faithful to the newer religious sects. saw their numbers and influence grow considerably in the Chesapeake. 
founded Brown College. 
established their first churches in the colonies. became the strongest sect in New England. 
2.	In the name of improving the human species, some Progressives embraced eugenics, which was 
the belief in a woman's right to regulate when and how many childre...

HIS 144 QUIZ 1_History 144 Quiz 1 Questions and Answers: Ashford University
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2021
- $8.65
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HIS 144 QUIZ 1 
1. Which of the following statements about pre-Columbian civilizations is true? 
Most of these civilizations were based on broad networks of trade. 
Only the Incas and Maya built sophisticated and complex cities and urban societies. 
Economies based on agriculture allowed extended settlement in one area and the 
development of a broad trade network. 
Most of these societies had been decimated by internal wars even before Europeans arrived. 
Several of their great cities probab...

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