lamar University
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Latest notes & summaries lamar University
This is a comprehensive and detailed review note for Exam 4 in Pols 2301. 
U'll need it for effective study!!
This is a comprehensive and detailed review note for Exam 1 in Pols 2301. 
U'll need it for effective study!!
This is a comprehensive and detailed review note for Exam 3 in Pols 2301. 
U'll need it for effective study!!
Nursing Fundamentals Final EXAM 
You enter a residents room and the resident has a new onset bedsore. You feel you 
need to document this in the medical record but also have a discussion with the nurse. 
Where would you opt to have this discussion? 
a. In the patients room 
b. In the hallway with the family 
c. In private 
d. At the local bar - ANSWER C 
To prevent shampoo from getting into your residents eyes, you should: 
a. Use a ha...
NURSING Fundamentals Of Nursing 
Questions and Answers (Latest, 2023/2024) 
1 A nurse is assessing for early signs of compartmentsyndrome for a client who has a short-leg fiberglass 
cast. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? 
A. Capillary refill lessthan 2 seconds 
B. Bounding distal pulses 
C. Intense pain with movement 
D. Erythema of the toes 
2 A nurse is monitoring a client who isreceiving 2 units packed RBCs. Which of the following 
manifestations indicates a hemolyti...
Summary of "A globally coherent fingerprint of climate change impacts across natural systems" by Camille Parmesan and Gary Yohe.
Summary of “Land Crabs (Decapoda, Brachyura, Gecarcinid) on Isabel Island, Mexico, Including a New Record, and Its Relation to the Removal of Invasive Rats” by Araceli S. Herrera, Yuliana B. Guzman
summary of "Ecolgy of the starfish Anasterias rupicola at Marion Island (Southern Ocean)" by William O. Blankley
Summary of "Ecology of the swamp rabbit in Georgia" by Charles E. Lowe
Summary one is over the scientific paper Foragin Ecology of Bees in an Old Field by Howard S. Ginsberg. gives a brief summary of the induction ,methods, and results of the study.