SCSC 105
Texas A&M University
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Texas A&M University(TAMU) POLS 206 Tests Bundle Set

POLS 206 exam 2 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
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public opinion CORRECT ANSWER sum of individual attitudes or beliefs about an issue or question 
political socialization CORRECT ANSWER The study of people forming their political ideals, process through which we acquire our political orientation, lifelong process of acquiring political values 
public opinion polls CORRECT ANSWER Sampling error (not a good sample of people), nonresponse bias (not answering), 
response bias (wrong info), 
Bad question wording, 
Coverage bias (not being equ...

World Food and Fiber Crops - TAMU test 1 (SCSC 105)
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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name a crop and its origin correct answer: soybean- china/japan 
rice - india 
sugarcane - indonesia 
wheat/barley - near east 
sorghum - africa 
potato/tomato - south america 
corn - central america/mexico 
sunflowers - north america 
What 3 food groups form the perfect triangle of nutrition? correct answer: legumes, grains, and vegetables 
List 4 reasons international programs fail correct answer: 1) duration too short 
2) lack of continuity of assignment of expert scientists 
3) inadeq...

SCSC 105 Test 1 Study Set
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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farm comparison (size, labor force, methods) correct answer: : small farms, 90% of labor force on farms 
1800: small-medium sized farms, 58% of labor force on farms 
: larger farms (200 acres), 38% labor force on farms 
What agency represents ag interests in Federal Government? correct answer: USDA 
Compare the dictionary definition of a farm to the USDA definition. correct answer: Dictionary: "Any plot of land devoted to agriculture and to the raising of crops and domesticated animals....

SCSC 105 Exam 2 Questions And Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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What are the top 3 myths about organic production? Briefly describe each. correct answer: 1. Organic production doesn't use pesticides 
2. Organic is healthier 
3. Organic farming is better for the environment 
Organic production doesn't use pesticides correct answer: "Organic" doesn't mean non-toxic or safe. There are other pathogens associated with organic production. 
Organic is healthier correct answer: Not backed by scientific data. No evidence for any differences in content of ...

SCSC 105 Exam 1 Carson TAMU
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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- $10.99
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Soybean - China/ Japan 
Rice - India 
Sugar Cane - Indonesia 
Wheat - Near East 
Sorghum - Africa 
Potato/ Tomato - South America 
Corn - Mexico 
Sunflower - North America 
Perfect triangle of nutrition - legumes, grains, veggies 
Why international Programs fail - Too short 
lack of continuity of expert scientists 
bad research efforts across scientific disciplines 
bad training for young scientists in the country 
number 1 issue with food security - Distribution 
Ag method...

- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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What is the name and acronym of the agency that represents agricultural interests in the United States Federal government? correct answer: USDA- United States Department of Agriculture 
What is transpiration and in which direction does it occur? correct answer: Process of transporting water and nutrients through the plant- moves upwards 
How many farms are in the US and what is the average size? correct answer: Present day there are 2.02 million farms with an average size of 444 acres 

SCSC 105 TAMU Carson 2023 Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2023
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- $12.99
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Agriculture in the 1600s-1700s (farm size, labor force, production methods) correct answer: Small farm size - 90% - Manual labor-Primarily hand labor-ax, hoe, shovel, sickle, scythe-grain cradle, animal labor, horse and mules. 
Agriculture in the 1800s (farm size, labor force, production methods) correct answer: Small to medium farms (large plantations in south) - 58% - Mechanical inventions developed for all phases of production, Horse powered equipment, and slaves used in the south - After...

- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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Ecology correct answer: science of dealing with the mutual relationships among biological organisms 
Ecosystem correct answer: Collective function of organisms and their environment 
Components of an Ecosystem correct answer: 1. food chains 
2. nutrient cycles 
3. plant succession 
4. competitive exclusion 
5. diversity 
Agroecosystems correct answer: Modified ecosystem, provides food, fiber, and shelter 
Differences/similarities of nutrient cycling correct answer: Ecosystem - cycle...

SCSC 105 Exam 1 Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
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- $10.99
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Depict the change in number and size of farms in the US from in graphic form. correct answer: Decrease in number of farms while average farm size increases 
What agency represents agricultural interests in the Federal government? 
-List 3/5 classes of funding included in the USDA budget. correct answer: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 
-nutrition assistance 
-farm/commodity support 
-environmental conservation 
-agricultural research 
-international trade 
Compare the dicti...

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