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Mental Health Exam 1 Test Bank 2023-2024
Module Quiz 
Latest Submission Grade 100% 
Question 1 
There is little difference between a dApp and an Apps like Robinhood, Venmo, Zelle, WeChat Pay, 
Alipay, etc. 
1 / 1 point 
Nice work! dApps allow peers to interact with each other via a smart contract. The Apps that are 
listed are all run by centralized institutions. You interact with the centralized institution and they 
collect your data. These dApps are available to anyone - there is no screening. There is near...
Module Quiz 
Latest Submission Grade 100% 
Question 1 
All cryptocurrencies are anonymous and the technology makes it easier for criminals to operate. 
1 / 1 point 
Good! The main cryptos are only pseudonymous. That is, you can set up an address to receive illicit 
funds. Everybody sees the transaction. Every time you move the funds, everyone sees that too. If an 
address is identified as a person’s particular address, then justice is swift (given blockchain is an 
Hydrostatic Equilibrium 
The current distinguishing criterion between dwarf 
planets and small Solar System bodies 
Evolution of stars of different mass 
-Star formation produces a wide variety of stars 
-Only a few high-mass stars (O, B Type) are produced 
-The lowest mass stars (eg.M type) are the most 
-If a "star" forms with a mass less than about 1/10 the 
mass of the Sun, it will not have enough pressure in its 
core to ignite nuclear fusion. 
•The lower limit to the mass of a...
NURS 6152 B SectioNURS 6152 B Section 200 Mabel Johnson (completed) latest spring 2021. NURS 6152 B Section 200 Mabel Johnson A. History (Subjective) (S) 1. Identifying data (ID): Mabel Johnson, a 76-year-old African American female that resides in an apartment on the second floor. 2. Chief complaint (CC): “I am having pain in my knees and I am ready to do something about it. That is why they sent me to you. My knees have been getting worse over the past couple of years. They hurt when I walk ...
MBA 6207 - Chapter 9 Business Intelligence and Analytics (100% Correct Answers)
MBA6207 Case Quiz (graded) BlockchainReview Test Submission: Case Study Quiz 05: The Truthabout BlockchainQuestion 1•2 out of 2 points What best defines blockchain?SelectedAnswer:An open, distribut ed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently andverifiable and permanent way.Answers:A type of "middleman agreement" between software providers and customers to ensurethat software applications and platforms are maintained regardless of any changes thatmay happen to the v...
MBA 6207 Chapter 05 Quiz Database Systems and Big Data (GRADED A)
MBA 6207 - Management of Information Flows Chapter 5 quiz (GRADED A)
MBA 6207 Quiz, chapter 5 Database and big data (graded)