COMD 5070 (COMD5070)
Utah State University
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- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2024
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COMD 5070 QUIZ 2 DIGITAL SIGNALS ( ROSEN & HOWELL )which of the following is an analog signal? - correct answer speech sounds in air 
musical tones in air 
displacement of the middle ear bones 
an analog signal (e.g. from a microphone) - correct answer is continuous in amplitude 
is continuous in time 
a table of numbers could fully represent - correct answer a digital signal 
you cannot listen to digital sound via digital headphones - correct answer because the sound is really generate...

COMD 5070 Behrman Chapter 7 Quiz 5 correctly answered to pass
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2024
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COMD 5070 Behrman Chapter 7 Quiz 5During the closure of a voiced stop, vocal fold vibration may cease because - correct answer supraglottal pressure rises to equal subglottal pressure 
For a stop to be perceived as voiceless, the VOT would generally be - correct answer 40 to 100 ms 
During the transition from a stop to a vowel - correct answer F1 rises 
Relative to fricatives like /f/, sibilants are produced with - correct answer a larger anterior resonating space 
a greater degree of con...

COMD 5070 chapter 5 quiz 3 well answered graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 1 pages • 2024
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COMD 5070 chapter 5 quiz 3a typical range of variation for fundamental frequency (F0) during reading passages would be about - correct answer 3 semitones 
it best to compute jitter in a voice - correct answer during steady statw phonation 
in the research literature, the voice range profile (vrp) has also been called the - correct answer phonogram, phonetogram, F0-spl profile; all of the above 
the shape of the typical voice range profile reveals that - correct answer intensityand F0 both ...

COMD 5070 - Module 9 - Consonants with verified solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2024
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COMD 5070 - Module 9 - ConsonantsPlace, Manner, Voicing Chart 
Hello Heterogeneity 
• vowels have a lot in common 
-all voiced, openness of vocal tract, formants 
• consonants differ greatly 
-degree of constriction, presence or absence of noise, nasality 
• more to go wrong with consonants = gainful employ for SLPs 
Categories of Consonants 
• stops / stop-plosives - complete closure of vocal tract, just momentarily 
• fricatives - narrowing of vocal tract, fo...

Real 5070 Exam #1 with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2024
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Real 5070 Exam #1 
Land Development - correct answer Adding improvements to the raw land; taking the land up to the point where it is ready to be built upon; examples include building streets, utilities, securing zoning changes, etc. 
Building - correct answer Adding improvements on the land to improved land; yields a finished property that is ready to meet someone's space needs; examples include renovations of retail centers and redevelopments of hotels 
Improvements on the Land - correct ...

COMD Module 5 fully solved
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2024
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COMD Module 5Phonation 
the production of sound as the vocal fold vibrates; Reptiles, amphibians, and mammals all have a larynx to produce voice. Animal sounds are excellent examples of voice as a distinct element of speech as they do not have sophisticated articulation or resonance as humans do. 
There are 3 primary components to voice: 
The generator: the breath stream from the lungs 
The vibrator: the vibration of the vocal folds as the breath stream passes through closed vocal folds 

COMD 5070 Final Exam well answered
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2024
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COMD 5070 Final Exam4 features of the scientific method - correct answer Empirical: based on data 
Deterministic: Obeys physical laws, things are not random 
Parsimonious: Use simplest explanation but no simpler 
How many semitones in an octave? - correct answer 12 
What is the Nyquist frequency? - correct answer Half the sample rate 
The highest frequency the recording is able to reproduce 
High pass filter - correct answer Allows high frequencies through 
Low pass filter - ...

USU COMD 5070 - Exam 2 with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 33 pages • 2024
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USU COMD 5070 - Exam 2Speech Aerodynamics 
-mmnts of pressure, flow, resistance as related to speech prod 
-air pressure & air flow in resistance created by larynx change in dynamic fashion during speech 
Speech and Air Pressure 
-driving force of speech comes from lungs as produce air pressure there 
-as reduce size of lungs, increase pressure within them - air flow from high to low pressure region (atmos pressure), air flows along pressure gradient from inside to outside 
-When produce spe...

COMD 5070 Final Exam Study Guide with verified solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 35 pages • 2024
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COMD 5070 Final Exam Study GuideWhat is Science? - correct answer 1. Empirical: Based on data 
2. Deterministic: Obeys physical laws of cause and effect (not random) 
3. Predictive: if you do this...then that will happen; it can influence another one 
4. Parsimonious: use simplest explanation possible rather than make unnecessarily complicated - boil it down to its essence, without dumbing down. 
Semitones (how many semitones in one octave, two octaves, etc.) - correct answer Octave: change...

COMD 5070 Final exam study guide correct answers rated A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 31 pages • 2024
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COMD 5070 Final exam study guide4 Types of science - correct answer 1. Empirical 
2. Deterministic 
3. Predictive 
4. Parsimonious 
Empirical - correct answer Based on data 
Deterministic - correct answer Obeys physical laws/not random. 
Follows rules of cause and effect. 
Predictive - correct answer If you do this--> this will happen. 
Extrapolate information to apply to other situations not experienced yet. 
Parsimonious - correct answer -Use simplest explanation possible 
-boil i...

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