IT C768 (IT C768)
Western Governors University
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WGU C768 Technical Communication Task 2 Latest 2024/2025 with complete solution 
C768 Technical Communication Task 2
WGU C768 Task 1 Latest 2024/2025 with complete solution 
WGU C768 Task 1 Latest 2024/2025 with complete solution
![C768 Technical Communication Task 2 [complete]](/docpics/638a2bce0b4fa_2150428.jpg)
C768 Technical Communication Task 2 [complete]
- Other • 12 pages • 2022
- $9.49
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This would be accomplished in three main phases; developing a clear and concise plan, moving 
Seamus’ IT infrastructure into the AEY cloud, and commencing operations within the new 
environment. Benefits of this solution include a reduction in operating costs, increased business 
continuity and collaboration efficiency, scalability, flexibility of work practices, access to 
automatic updates, and decreased time to market ("Benefits of Cloud Computing," 2017). The 
primary goals of this proje...

Western Governors University C768 Technical Communication Task 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $8.49
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A. Audience Analysis 
 Introduction: Knowing one’s audience is critical to the success of any project. The type 
of personnel that will use the material can dramatically affect the scope, language and 
design of the product. If not tailored appropriately, the document is vulnerable to 
dismissal or misinterpretation by the audience, increasing the likelihood that it will not 
achieve its intended purpose. 
 Audience 1: 
 Familiarity with the Topic: Technical expertise among those atte...

C768 Technical Communication Task 2
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2022
- $9.49
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C768 Task 2 Page 3 
This would be accomplished in three main phases; developing a clear and concise plan, moving 
Seamus’ IT infrastructure into the AEY cloud, and commencing operations within the new 
environment. Benefits of this solution include a reduction in operating costs, increased business 
continuity and collaboration efficiency, scalability, flexibility of work practices, access to 
automatic updates, and decreased time to market ("Benefits of Cloud Computing," 2017). The 
Western Governors University C768 Technical Communication Task 1 to task 3

C768 Task 2 Page 1 Cloud Migration of Seamus Company IT Infrastructure
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $8.49
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C768 Task 2 Page 3 
This would be accomplished in three main phases; developing a clear and concise plan, moving 
Seamus’ IT infrastructure into the AEY cloud, and commencing operations within the new 
environment. Benefits of this solution include a reduction in operating costs, increased business 
continuity and collaboration efficiency, scalability, flexibility of work practices, access to 
automatic updates, and decreased time to market ("Benefits of Cloud Computing," 2017). The 

Western Governors University C768 Technical Communication Task 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $9.49
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WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY | C768 Technical Communication Task 1 And Task 2.

WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY | C768 Technical Communication Task 1
- Summary • 12 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $9.49
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WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY | C768 Technical Communication Task 1-C768 Technical Communication Task 1-Audience Analysis Knowing your audience is important to implementing a new procedure or process. Gauging the audience’s level of knowledge of the subject matter is also essential to understanding how to communicate clearly with them. The reader’s position in the hierarchy of the company, job duties, and opportunities for professional growth should also be taken into consideration as these f...

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