Globe University
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Latest notes & summaries Globe University
POST-OP HEMORRHAGE Postoperative Hemorrhage Simulation: Ward Ordona Name: Globe University/MSB College Mental Health in the News Assignment Describe the initial postoperative management of the nephrectomy patient and discuss collaborative management designed to prevent complications. What is the purpose of a bulb-type surgical drain? How does it work? Discuss the expected drainage amount and characteristics in a surgical drain immediately postoperatively. What are the hemodynamic changes associa...
Postoperative Hemorrhage Simulation - Globe University MSB College. POST-OP HEMORRHAGE 1 Postoperative Hemorrhage Simulation: Ward Ordona Name: Globe University/MSB College POST-OP HEMORRHAGE 2 Mental Health in the News Assignment Describe the initial postoperative management of the nephrectomy patient and discuss collaborative management designed to prevent complications. Nephrectomy patients may experience considerable discomfort in the area of the incision. Patients may also experie...
Postoperative Hemorrhage Simulation - Globe University MSB College. POST-OP HEMORRHAGE 1 Postoperative Hemorrhage Simulation: Ward Ordona Name: Globe University/MSB College POST-OP HEMORRHAGE 2 Mental Health in the News Assignment Describe the initial postoperative management of the nephrectomy patient and discuss collaborative management designed to prevent complications. Nephrectomy patients may experience considerable discomfort in the area of the incision. Patients may also experienc...
Mental Health in the News Assignment Describe the initial postoperative management of the nephrectomy patient and discuss collaborative management designed to prevent complications. Nephrectomy patients may experience considerable discomfort in the area of the incision. Patients may also experience numbness, caused by severed nerves, near or on the incision. Pain relievers are administered following the surgical procedure and during the recovery period on an as-needed basis (Thompson & Mcafarl...
POST-OP HEMORRHAGE Postoperative Hemorrhage Simulation: Ward Ordona Name: Globe University/MSB College Mental Health in the News Assignment Describe the initial postoperative management of the nephrectomy patient and discuss collaborative management designed to prevent complications. What is the purpose of a bulb-type surgical drain? How does it work? Discuss the expected drainage amount and characteristics in a surgical drain immediately postoperatively. What are th...