University Of Wisconsin - Baraboo
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Latest notes & summaries University Of Wisconsin - Baraboo
in TCI with children and young people, what is the most important tool adults have? ourselves What are the 5 components/domains of successful TCIS implementation? 1. Leadership & Admin. Support 2. Social Work & Clinical Services Participation 3. Supervision & Post-Crisis Response 4. Training & Competency Standards 5. Data-Driven Incident Monitoring & Feedback Setting Condition Anything that makes challenging behavior more or less likely to occur 5 categories of settin...
TCI Training exam 60 questions and answers
Stress model of crisis triggering, escalation, outburst, recovery 3 situations in which restraint, while indicated should be avoided We cannot control young person safely, We are not in control or are too angry, Sexual stimulation is the motivation List 4 of 8 behavior support techniques Manage the environment, prompting, time away, proximity Anything tha makes challenging behavior more or less likely to happen is called setting conditions Non-verbal crisis co-reg...
Name the 5 topics on the chart. 1. Baseline 2. Triggering Event 3. Escalation Phase 4. Outburst Crisis 5. Recovery Setting Conditions challenging behavior more or less likely to occur Purpose of TCI support and teach What is the first priority? safety 4 questions to ask 1. What am I feeling? 2. What does the student feel, need or want? 3. How is the environment affecting the student? 4. How do I best respond? Active Listening When you talk out vs. ...
What is the most important tool in therapeutic interventions with children and young people? Yourself What are the 5 components/domains of successful TCI implementation? 1.Leadership and administrative support. 2.Social work and clinical services participation. 3.Supervision and post crisis response. 4.Training and competency standards. 5.Data-driven incident monitoring and feedback A setting condition is defined as: Anything that makes challenging behavior more or less like...
Discussion Questions 1. What is the child experiencing? 2. What thoughts and perceptions might this child have about adults? About the world in general? 3. What behaviors might we expect from this child? 4. What will this child need to feel safe? Trauma-Informed organization Supports and facilitates trauma-informed care through: Policies Procedures Practices Trauma-Informed Organization Ensures that staff Understand- what trauma is and how it impacts everyone in the system...
Setting Condition Anything that makes challenging behavior more or less likely to happen Setting Condition Examples 1. Organizational culture 2. Environment 3. Communication Goals of Crisis Intervention 1. Support - emotionally and environmentally to reduce stress and risk 2. Teach - better ways to cope with stress Recovery Phase 1. Higher (Educateur) - child learns from crisis 2. No change (fire fighter) 3. Lower (Abuser) child learns that their negative behaviors ...
Effective TCI Implementation Includes 5 things leadership clinical participation supervision and post crisis response training documentation Setting conditions definition anything that makes challenging behavior more or less likely to occur Setting Conditions Organizational Culture Environment Program Related Personal Relationship-Based Programs and Activities Should... Balance flexibility Thoughtful transitions Consistent Goals/structure Resourced ...
TCI Training Test 15 questions and answers
Crisis occurs when A young person's inability to cope results in a change in behavior The Goals of a crisis intervention are to SUPPORT : environmentally and emotionally to reduce stress and risk TEACH: children better ways to cope with stress SUPPORT : environmentally and emotionally to reduce stress and risk TEACH: children better ways to cope with stress Skills Building Pyramid LSI Crisis CoRegulation Emotional First Aid Behavior Support Techniques Active Listen...