American Public University
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Summary epidemiology paper.docx PBHE427 Week 7: Salmonellosis Outbreak Investigation PBHE427 D001 Abstract
- Summary • 11 pages • 2022
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Summary epidemiology PBHE427 Week 7: Salmonellosis Outbreak Investigation PBHE427 D001 Abstract This paper explores Flinn Corporation employees having a Salmonella outbreak at the company. A nurse and local epidemiologist investigate the .....

Week 5 Paper.docx CMRJ 501 Uniform Crime Reporting and the National Incident-Based Reporting System: A Comparison of Methodological Procedures and Their Implications Masters of Criminal Justice Program, American Public University System CMRJ 501: C
- Summary • 12 pages • 2021
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Week 5 P CMRJ 501 Uniform Crime Reporting and the National Incident-Based Reporting System: A Comparison of Methodological Procedures and Their Implications Masters of Criminal Justice Program, American Public University System CMRJ 501: Criminology Abstract This paper compares and contrasts the two reporting/recording systems for crime in the United States. It provides a brief history and explanation of the Uniform Crime Reporting system as well as the National Incident-Based Reporti...

Weeks 3 and 4 Assignment 2.docx SCMG 503 Operations Management and Sustainability at Oakhurst Dairy American Military University SCMG 503 Operations Management and Sustainability at Oakhurst Dairy The expansion of a business requires the manag
- Summary • 6 pages • 2021
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Weeks 3 and 4 Assignment SCMG 503 Operations Management and Sustainability at Oakhurst Dairy American Military University SCMG 503 Operations Management and Sustainability at Oakhurst Dairy The expansion of a business requires the management to plan, design, implement, and monitor sustainable business practices. A company that practices sustainable business is more likely to gain a substantial advantage over its competitors because consumers value such businesses. Many factors affec...

Week 1 Assignment.docx Running head: CYBERSECURITY BREACH 1 BUSN320 Cybersecurity Breach American Public University BUSN320: Principles of E Business Cybersecurity Breach
- Summary • 4 pages • 2021
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Week 1 A Running head: CYBERSECURITY BREACH 1 BUSN320 Cybersecurity Breach American Public University BUSN320: Principles of E Business Cybersecurity Breach Since the beginning of œE-business , and really all document/information collecting via the internet, the threat of information theft and cybersecurity breach has been lurking in the background. The internet is a much frailer resource, although extremel...

Week 1 Financing a New Venture .doc ENTR315 Funding Options ENTR315 D001 Fall 2020 Funding Options Which funding options provide the best opportunities for your business, and which of these options are the most viable for you? These questions m
- Summary • 3 pages • 2021
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Week 1 Financing a New Venture .doc ENTR315 Funding Options ENTR315 D001 Fall 2020 Funding Options Which funding options provide the best opportunities for your business, and which of these options are the most viable for you? These questions may not be extremely easy to answer especially if you are not aware of the different options you have available to you. Taking the time to do your research, speak with different debt & equity investors, and using other small business owners expe...

Week 2 Alexandria.docx HIST 270 Alexandria is not in Russia American Military University / American Public University System HIST 270: History of Science Alexandria is not in Russia For my assignment I have selected Alexandria. I chose it due to m
- Summary • 2 pages • 2021
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Week 2 A HIST 270 Alexandria is not in Russia American Military University / American Public University System HIST 270: History of Science Alexandria is not in Russia For my assignment I have selected Alexandria. I chose it due to my background of being Russian and born in Soviet Union. I was not expecting it to not be in Russia, even though the bulk of our reading was about the middle east or the near east. It should have clicked in my head, but it did not. From further research in th...

Week 2 Assignment 1.docx SCMG 501 Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Supply Chains American Military University SCMG 501 Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Supply Chains An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) generally known as a drone
- Summary • 5 pages • 2021
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Week 2 Assignment SCMG 501 Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Supply Chains American Military University SCMG 501 Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Supply Chains An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) generally known as a drone, is an aircraft flying without the presence of a human pilot inside. UAVs are a part of unmanned aircraft systems comprised of a controller located on the ground which communicates with the UAV using direct communication systems. UAVs are generally o...

Week 2 asssinment for 300 300 Military working dogs Research methods in homeland security studies 300 American military university My research question is What are the three most effective roles the US Coast Guard is responsible for currently reg
- Summary • 2 pages • 2021
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Week 2 asssinment for 300 300 Military working dogs Research methods in homeland security studies 300 American military university My research question is What are the three most effective roles the US Coast Guard is responsible for currently regarding coastal drug interdiction operations along the US maritime borders? The US Coast Guard(USCG) falls under Homeland security. The USCG they help in defending the nation s enemy. The United States Coast Guard s maritime Homeland defense mis...

Week 2 Financial Needs Analysis.doc ENTR315 Financial Needs Analysis ENTR315 D001 Fall 2020 Financial Needs Analysis Prioritization Matrix Priority for Funding Gap in Funding Amount of Gap Cause 1 Facility (Rent/Construction) Employees
- Summary • 3 pages • 2021
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Week 2 Financial Needs A ENTR315 Financial Needs Analysis ENTR315 D001 Fall 2020 Financial Needs Analysis Prioritization Matrix Priority for Funding Gap in Funding Amount of Gap Cause 1 Facility (Rent/Construction) Employees (Hiring/Salaries), Administration expenses, etc. $88,000-$1.2m Do not have the funding to cover this expense. 2 Gym Equipment

Week 2 final draft.docx BUSN415 Affects of COVID-19 on E-commerce American Public University BUSN415: Small Business Growth and Development Affects of COVID-19 on E-commerce After over one year since the initial outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, it
- Summary • 4 pages • 2021
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Week 2 final BUSN415 Affects of COVID-19 on E-commerce American Public University BUSN415: Small Business Growth and Development Affects of COVID-19 on E-commerce After over one year since the initial outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, it is safe to say that the world is getting back into the normal œswing of things . Societies all over the globe have learned to live in a way that most, in their lifetime, never have. From Zoom meetings, to children learning from home, to wearing mask...

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