CHEM 133 (CHEM133)
American Public University
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CHEM 133 Complete Quizzes (Lesson 1-7) American Public)
- Package deal • 7 items • 2023
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CHEM133 Week 2 Lesson 1 Quiz

CHEM133 Week 4 Lesson 2 Quiz

CHEM133 Week 6 Lesson 3 Quiz

CHEM133 Week 9 Lesson 4 Quiz

CHEM133 Week 11 Lesson 5 Quiz

CHEM133 Week 13 Lesson 6 Quiz

CHEM133 Week 15 Lesson 7 Quiz

CHEM133 Week 4 Lesson 2 Quiz Questions and Answers APU
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
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1.	Question: If 0.274 moles of a substance weighs 62.5 g, what is the molar mass of the substance, in units of 
2.	Question: What volume of 18 M sulfuric acid must be used to prepare 1.80 L of 0.215 M H2SO4? 
3.	Question: What is the molecular mass of Br2? 
4.	Question: What is the molar concentration of sulfate ions in a 0.150 M Na2SO4 solution? 
5.	Question: How many moles of hydrogen chloride are contained in a 52.6 g sample of this gas? 
6.	Question: 1.00 mole of O2 contains the same number ...

CHEM133 Week 6 Lesson 3 Quiz Questions and Answers APU
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2023
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1.	Question: What is the wavelength of radiation that has a frequency of 5.39 × 1014 s–1? 
2.	Question: What is the wavelength of a photon of red light (nm) whose frequency is 4.64 x 1014 Hz? 
3.	Question: Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers is not possible? 
4.	Question: In Bohr's atomic theory, when an electron moves from one energy level to another energy level more distant from the nucleus: 
5.	Question: Calculate the wavelength of a neutron that has a velocity of 250 cm/s...

CHEM133 Week 9 Lesson 4 Quiz Questions and Answers APU
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2023
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1.	Question: Which one of the following is most likely to be an ionic compound? 
2.	Question: The phosphorus atom in PCl3 would be expected to have a 
3.	Question: The phosphorus atom in PCl3 would be expected to have a give CH3Cl and hydrogen chloride. 
4.	Question: How many of the following molecules have no dipole moment? 
5.	Question: Atoms having equal or nearly equal electronegativities are expected to form 
6.	Question: Element A has an electronegativity of 0.8 and element B has an electr...

CHEM133 Week 11 Lesson 5 Quiz Questions and Answers APU
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2023
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1.	Question: When comparing Be2 and H2: 
2.	Question: Atoms that are sp2 hybridized form ____ pi bond(s). 
3.	Question: The hybridization of the nitrogen atom in the cation NH2+ is: 
4.	Question: Which one of the following molecules has an atom with an incomplete octet? 
5.	Question: Nitrous oxide (N2O) is sometimes called "laughing gas". What is the formal charge on the central nitrogen atom in the most favorable Lewis structure for nitrous oxide based on minimizing formal charge overall? 

CHEM133 Week 13 Lesson 6 Quiz Questions and Answers APU
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
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1.	Question: We discussed the different types of intermolecular forces in this lesson. Which is the strongest in CF2H2 ? 
2.	Question: Water is such a special molecule with some really unique properties. Why is it so unusual? 
3.	Question: We discussed the different types of intermolecular forces in this lesson, which can affect the boiling point of a substance. Which of these has the highest boiling point? 
4.	Question: If you have 2.00 x 103 J of energy, what mass (g) of solid butane (C4H10O) ...

CHEM133 Week 15 Lesson 7 Quiz Questions and Answer
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2023
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1.	Question: A sample of oxygen gas has a volume of 3.52 L at 27°C and 800.0 torr. How many oxygen molecules does it contain? 
2.	Question: Consider a sample of gas in a container on a comfortable spring day. The Celsius temperature suddenly doubles, and you transfer the gas to a container with twice the volume of the first container. If the original pressure was 12 atm, what is a good estimate for the new pressure? 
3.	Question: Gas A and gas B are combined in a flask at initial pressures of 1...

CHEM133 Week 2 Lesson 1 Quiz American Public University
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
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1.	Question: How many of the following numbers contain 3 significant figures? 
2.	Question: The melting point of picolinic acid is 136.5°C. What is the melting point of picolinic acid on the Fahrenheit scale? 
3.	Question: An aluminum can contain 12.0 fluid ounces of liquid. Express this volume in liters. (1 fl oz = 29.6 mL) 
4.	Question: An aluminum can contain 12.0 fluid ounces of liquid. Express this volume in liters. (1 fl oz = 29.6 mL) 
5.	Question: In 1828, the diameter of the U.S. dime w...
CHEM 133 Lab 1 Experiment 1 Accuracy and Precision GRADED A+ / CHEM133 Lab 1 Experiment 1 Accuracy and Precision GRADED A+
CHEM 133 Unit 2 Lab 2 GRADED A+ / CHEM133 Unit 2 Lab 2 GRADED A+

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