Psyc290n - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Psyc290n? On this page you'll find 109 study documents about Psyc290n.
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PSYC 290N Week 1 Assignment Check-Up Health Care Investigator Lifespan Development Chamberlain
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
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As my patient going through her first pregnancy at the age of 43, I would converse withher about the risk factors of being pregnant at her age. Although it is generally agreed thatdrinking one or servings of alcohol a few days per week will not cause fetal alcohol syndromedisorder,itcanstillhaveadverseeffectsonthefetusaccordingto(Santrock,2018).Iwouldalsoremind the patient that although some renowned international obstetricians may suggest

PSYC 290N Week 5 Assignment Create Exam Questions ifespan Development Chamberlain
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
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1.	(CO)Applyprinciplesofdevelopmentaltheoriestoexplainphysical,cognitive,andsocioemotionaldevelopmentthroughoutthelifespan. 
Question 1 relates to CO1 by applying to the physical developmentthroughout lifespan. 
1.	Who believed that survivors are better adapted to their world than the non-survivors? 
a.	Darwin 
b.	Fraud 
c.	Erikson 
d.	Piaget

PSYC 290N Week 4 Discussion Eating Disorders in Adolescence Lifespan Development Chamberlain
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
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•	Textbook:Chapter11,12 
•	Lesson 
•	Minimumof1scholarlysource (inadditiontothetextbook) 
Asamedicalprofessionalorcounselor,therearetimeswhenyoumightencounteradolescentswho are suffering from anorexia or bulimia. Come up with a patient profile including thefollowing: 
•	Patient'sage,weight,BMI 
•	Dailyeatingbehaviors 
•	Possiblecausesoftheira...

PSYC 290N Week 3 Assignment Check-Up 2 Lifespan Development Chamberlain
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
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Accordingtoastudydone byKovshoffetal., in2013,itwasfoundthatexternalpressurefrom parents or teachers was not regarded as having a strong influence by clinicians on theirpractice. In fact, clinicians are predominantly in favor of stopping treatment as soon as it seemsfeasible, rather than treating ADHD with medication over the long-term which suggests thatclinicians are in general concerned about side effects and these exert an influence on theirprescribing behaviors according to (Kovshoff et al....

PSYC 290N Week 6 Discussion Middle Adulthood Development Lifespan Development Chamberlain
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
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•	Textbook:Chapter15,16 
•	Lesson 
•	Minimumof1scholarlysource (inadditiontothetextbook) 
Option 1: In your readings this week, there is an extensive discussion on the physical declinethatadultsintheirmiddleadulthoodmay likelyface.Whataresomesmallstepsthata30-year-old patient can take now that can help reduce some of the negative physical consequen...

PSYC 290N Week 2 Discussion Development in Infancy Lifespan Development Chamberlain
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
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•	Textbook:Chapter4,5,6 
•	Lesson 
•	Minimumof1scholarlysource (inadditiontothetextbook) 
Option 1: There is much debate about breastfeeding versus bottle feeding and which is best for ababy's physical, cognitive and socioemotional development. Based on what you have learnedfrom the textbook, lessons and outside readings, what advice would you give to a patient who isstruggling with the decisi...

PSYC 290N Week 2 Assignment Making Tough Decisions Lifespan Development Chamberlain
- Other • 3 pages • 2023
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Thereareafewreasonswhysomecaregiverseitherdelayorrefuseallimmunizationsfor their children. One of those reasons is due to the uncertainty about the safety of the vaccine.Another reason may be due to caregivers not being convinced of the benefits of the vaccinationaccording to (Benninghoff et al., 2019).A third reason is due to poor access to medical care toget their children vaccinated.
PSYC 290N Week 1 Discussion; Prenatal Development and Birth

PSYC 290N Week 7 Discussion Late Adulthood Lifespan Development Chamberlain
- Other • 3 pages • 2023
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•	Textbook:Chapter18,19,20 
•	Lesson 
•	Addnecessaryresources(includeseparatesectionforoptionalresources). 
•	Minimumof1scholarlysource (inadditiontothetextbook) 
Option 1: It can be difficult to discuss life expectancy. This is especially true if there are issueslike heart disease, cancer or other chronic illnesses. Page 519 in your text has a life expectanc...

PSYC 290N Week 8 Discussion Death, Dying and Grieving Lifespan Development Chamberlain
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
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- $19.99
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•	Textbook:Chapter20 
•	Lesson 
•	Minimumof1scholarlysource (inadditiontothetextbook) 
Coping with the grief of losing a loved one can be one of the most devastating and life-alteringexperiences of a person's life. As a health care professional, you will witness and experience,first-hand, the loss that your patients and their families will have to lear...

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