Nr443 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Nr443? On this page you'll find 99 study documents about Nr443.
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Order 1NR443 W2 Part 1 Substance Use Assessment and Diagnosis Template 3 6 20
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2024
- $13.49
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Order 1NR443 W2 Part 1 Substance Use Assessment and Diagnosis Template 3 6 20 
nline Data Collection 
1. Community Information 
Your Community Data 
Name of city or town Miami City 
Population 2,761,581 
Nature of this community (rural, 
suburban, urban) 
Describe your community in 2-3 
Miami city is an urban area, and 
headquarters of Miami-Dade county. It an 
economic and cultural center of Florida. 
Miami has a growing number of teenagers 
with mental issues linked to alcoh...

NR 443 Week 1 Discussion with Responses; Social Factors.docx
- Other • 5 pages • 2024
- $18.48
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There are many factors that make people healthy or ill. This week we will focus on the social factors and determinants that impact health. 
It is time to get out into your community! 
•	Go online to the U.S. Census Bureau at 
o	Input your local zip code, city, or county. Try to get as specific data as possible (city, township, county). 
o	Next, identify the: 
	Total population 
	Median income 
	Percentage or number of persons living in poverty 
•	Go to your local grocery store, use...

MAKING A POSITIVE CHANGE NR443: Community Health Nursing 2022/2023 LATEST UPDATE RATED 100%
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2022
- $8.49
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NR443: Community Health 
2022/2023 LATEST UPDATE 
RATED 100% 
Making a Posi+ve Change 
Chamberlain College of Nursing 
NR443: Community Health Nursing 
• I am a public health nurse represen+ng the 
Department of Public Health 
• Goal of presenta+on 
– Iden+fy a public healthconcern 
– Iden+fy a plan with an interven+on and methods 
of evalua+on 
– Making a posi+ve change

NR 443 Week 5 Social Media Discussion with Responses; Healthcare Policies and Population Health.docx
- Other • 2 pages • 2024
- $18.48
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Week 5 Discussion: Healthcare Policies and Population Health 
1.	Healthcare policies impact all populations. Now, with the use of social media, policies involvement and awareness are rising. 
1.	Take a moment to review the Twitter feed for compelling Tweets that are related to healthcare policy and are directly impacting your community or those you care for. 
2.	Give an overview of a policy or potential policy. Include how it could impact your community or those you care for positively negativel...

NR 443 Week 1 Discussion; Social Factors
- Other • 3 pages • 2024
- $18.48
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There are many factors that make people healthy or ill. This week we will focus on the social factors and determinants that impact health. 
It is time to get out into your community! 
•	Go online to the U.S. Census Bureau at 
o	Input your local zip code, city, or county. Try to get as specific data as possible (city, township, county). 
o	Next, identify the: 
	Total population 
	Median income 
	Percentage or number of persons living in poverty 
•	Go to your local grocery store, use...

NR 443 Week 3 Social Media Discussion; Population Health Problems
- Other • 2 pages • 2024
- $18.48
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1.	Choose one of the following population health problems to focus on: 
a.	Substance use and/or abuse 
b.	Environmental health (air, water, ground, energy, climate, etc.) 
c.	Violence 
d.	Abuse 
2.	Research and share an overview of the current data on this population health problem specific to your community. You must use one (or more) of the resources from the Direct Care Project Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis assignment. The Webliography (link) also has many resources. You may choose to ...

NR 443 Week 3 Social Media Discussion with Responses; Population Health Problems
- Other • 2 pages • 2024
- $18.48
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Week 3: Social Media Discussion: population Health Problems 
Problems that impact populations are vast and now more than ever social media is getting involved. 
1.	Choose one of the following population health problems to focus on: 
a.	Substance use and/or abuse 
b.	Environmental health (air, water, ground, energy, climate, etc.) 
c.	Violence 
d.	Abuse 
2.	Research and share an overview of the current data on this population health problem specific to your community. You must use one (or mor...

NR443 Week 6 Discussion, Environmental Health (Latest Update) Already Graded A+
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
- $10.99
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NR443 Week 6 Discussion, Environmental Health 
For this week’s discussion I chose to look at the My Health tab on the EPA (2018) website. The 2014 risk for cancer due to inhalation of toxins in the air in Williamson County, Texas is 32 per million. One surprising thing I learned is that the largest contributor to toxic air in my county are secondary sources at 67.3% and that is a measure of ambient concentrations of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acrolein. This is important information to hav...

NR443 Week 4 the setting and role of the Community Health Nurse (Latest Update) Already Graded A+
- Essay • 2 pages • 2023
- $10.49
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NR443 Week 4 the setting and role of the Community Health Nurse 
For this week’s topic of discussion, I chose to talk about the setting and role of the Community Health Nurse in the school health setting, as well as an objective from Healthy People 2020 regarding that of bullying among adolescents. At-risk health behaviors typical for teens among the school-aged group tend toward things like violence, irresponsible sexual activity, poor dietary intake, suicide, inadequate physical activity, re...

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