Pubh6035 module 4 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Pubh6035 module 4? On this page you'll find 6 study documents about Pubh6035 module 4.
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PUBH6035 Module 4 Discussion 1; Epidemiological Study Designs

PUBH 6035 Module 4 Quiz; Check Your Knowledge
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
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- $30.48
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1.	Question: A study that compares the prevalence of high blood pressure among current Massa chusetts Turnpike toll booth collectors with the current prevalence of high blood pressure of current Turnpike office workers. What type of study is this? 
2.	Question: A strength of BOTH cross-sectional and an ecological studies is: 
3.	Question: The Health Professionals Cohort Study began in 2005 in order to evaluate a series of hypotheses about men’s health relating nutritional factors to the incide...

PUBH 6035 Module 4 Discussion 1; Epidemiological Study Designs
- Other • 3 pages • 2022
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- $12.49
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1.	What are the potential risks and benefits to be considered when designing this study? 
2.	When the side effects and long-term effects of a potential preventive measure are largely unknown, is it ethical to expose participants to these risks? Why or why not? 
3.	Is it ethical to deny the possible prevention benefits of high-fiber supplements to persons in the placebo group? Why or why not? 
4.	Do the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks to the participants and to society? Why or why...
PUBH6035 Module 4 Quiz; Check Your Knowledge
PUBH6035 Module 4 Discussion 2; Ethics in Epidemiological Research

PUBH 6035 Module 4 Discussion 2; Ethics in Epidemiological Research
- Other • 5 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $12.49
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AnExperimentalStudyinthePrimaryPreventionofType2DiabetesImaginethatresearchersareconductingarandomizedcontrolledtrialofahigh-fibersupplementasapreventivemeasureinpersonsatincreasedriskoftype2diabetes. Peopleenrolledin thestudyaredisease-freeatthetime 
theyagreetoparticipateinthetrial,buttheyallhaveafamilyhistoryoftype2diabetesandareconsideredathigh-risk(80%)todevelopthediseaseduring their lifetime. The 10,000 participants who start the trial are healthyindividuals who are randomly allocated to r...

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