Essays, presentations, projects, and more from various University courses can be used as helpful tips and guidance to better understand the different subject material. All material posted was graded A or A+ and all courses listed were completed. You are welcome to message for inquiries regarding the course material posted. My classmates always found my discussions and presentations easy to follow and helpful in understanding the subject. I hope it helps you too!
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24 items

HIS201 Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Seven Years Concealed Novel By: Harriet Jacobs & Lydia Maria Child
The following presentation is a PowerPoint project that goes into detail linking history to the novel Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Seven Years Concealed Novel By: Harriet Jacobs & Lydia Maria Child. The presentation reviews several different passages with explanations, the main idea, a brief description of the book, the authors' presentation of information, dilemma, book terminology, teaching the reader. purpose, surprises in the novel, impact on history, my final thoughts, and the re...
- Presentation
- • 14 pages •
The following presentation is a PowerPoint project that goes into detail linking history to the novel Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Seven Years Concealed Novel By: Harriet Jacobs & Lydia Maria Child. The presentation reviews several different passages with explanations, the main idea, a brief description of the book, the authors' presentation of information, dilemma, book terminology, teaching the reader. purpose, surprises in the novel, impact on history, my final thoughts, and the re...

PSY403 Sensation and Perception Key Notes
The following document includes my own explanations and definitions using the textbook and resources to explain key points throughout the course. The notes include information on: Sensation and perception • The gestalt approach • Examples of psychophysical measurements • Studying massed brain activity • How light travels • The three types of ganglion cells • Viewing objects with normal eyes, or abnormalities (nearsighted, farsighted) • Visual acuity • The feature integ...
- Book
- Class notes
- • 22 pages •
The following document includes my own explanations and definitions using the textbook and resources to explain key points throughout the course. The notes include information on: Sensation and perception • The gestalt approach • Examples of psychophysical measurements • Studying massed brain activity • How light travels • The three types of ganglion cells • Viewing objects with normal eyes, or abnormalities (nearsighted, farsighted) • Visual acuity • The feature integ...

HIS101 World Civilizations Bundle
The following bundle includes 3 essays on subjects like the Shang Dynasty, the Mongolian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, The Roman Empire, and Sumerian and the Egyptian Old Kingdom. The essays compare and contrast the civilizations. A more detailed description can be found by looking at each individual essay sold separately as well.
- Package deal
- • 3 items •
The following bundle includes 3 essays on subjects like the Shang Dynasty, the Mongolian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, The Roman Empire, and Sumerian and the Egyptian Old Kingdom. The essays compare and contrast the civilizations. A more detailed description can be found by looking at each individual essay sold separately as well.

CRJ101 Individual`s Rights Against Public Order
The following essay describes and defines Individual's rights and then compares them to public order and how rights affect both the community and public. The essay describes human rights, advantages and disadvantages of rights, and aspects like freedom versus safety when it comes to the law.
- Essay
- • 10 pages •
The following essay describes and defines Individual's rights and then compares them to public order and how rights affect both the community and public. The essay describes human rights, advantages and disadvantages of rights, and aspects like freedom versus safety when it comes to the law.

CRJ101 Criminal Justice: Ethnic and Gender Diversity Issues in Policing
The following assignment goes over ethnic and gender diversity issues in policing. The essay goes over the lack of respect women involved in policing get, minorities poor positioning in policing, and the significantly low percentage of women in policing. I go on to discuss the disturbingly low involvement of minorities in high-ranking policing positions.
- Essay
- • 8 pages •
The following assignment goes over ethnic and gender diversity issues in policing. The essay goes over the lack of respect women involved in policing get, minorities poor positioning in policing, and the significantly low percentage of women in policing. I go on to discuss the disturbingly low involvement of minorities in high-ranking policing positions.

CTC301 Professional Success Seminar PowerPoint Bundle
There are 3 presentations please refer to each separately for a more detailed description of the contents of each presentation. The Job offers ppt describes tips, approaches, negotiating, etc Communication and teamwork breaks down and defines the two elaborately with many examples. Conflict communication includes styles, resolutions,influence etc.
- Package deal
- • 3 items •
- CTC301 Job Offers Presentation with tips, vocabulary, and negotiating • Presentation
- CTC301 Communication and Teamwork • Presentation
- CTC301 Conflict Communication • Presentation
There are 3 presentations please refer to each separately for a more detailed description of the contents of each presentation. The Job offers ppt describes tips, approaches, negotiating, etc Communication and teamwork breaks down and defines the two elaborately with many examples. Conflict communication includes styles, resolutions,influence etc.

HIS101 Comparing Islam and Christianity
The following is a history assignment comparing and contrasting Islam and Christianity. Key points in comparing involve the influence of law, differences in history, social justice, and basic beliefs. This paper also includes one example of a conflict between the two religions, my analysis of the conflict, and why I believe the conflict existed.
- Essay
- • 8 pages •
The following is a history assignment comparing and contrasting Islam and Christianity. Key points in comparing involve the influence of law, differences in history, social justice, and basic beliefs. This paper also includes one example of a conflict between the two religions, my analysis of the conflict, and why I believe the conflict existed.

CTC301 Conflict Communication
The following presentation breaks down Conflict Communication. The presentation goes over assertive communication styles, action style, process style, people style, 5 conflict response styles, suppression, avoidance, resolution, transformation, transcendence, contentious tactics, cognitive bias, the six principles of influence, six steps to resolution roadmap, identifying issues, building trust, asking diagnostic questions, reframing strategies, brainstorming, and getting to an agreement. The fi...
- Package deal
- Presentation
- • 23 pages •
The following presentation breaks down Conflict Communication. The presentation goes over assertive communication styles, action style, process style, people style, 5 conflict response styles, suppression, avoidance, resolution, transformation, transcendence, contentious tactics, cognitive bias, the six principles of influence, six steps to resolution roadmap, identifying issues, building trust, asking diagnostic questions, reframing strategies, brainstorming, and getting to an agreement. The fi...

CRJ101 Security Threat Groups and Concerns in Criminal Justice
The following assignment discusses security threat groups, defines what a security threat group is, concerns for corrections officers, prison staff, and victims of criminals. The paper goes on to discuss aspects of security threat groups like riots and how security threat groups have changed over time.
- Essay
- • 8 pages •
The following assignment discusses security threat groups, defines what a security threat group is, concerns for corrections officers, prison staff, and victims of criminals. The paper goes on to discuss aspects of security threat groups like riots and how security threat groups have changed over time.

HIS101 Comparing the Shang Dynasty, the Mongolian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire
The following assignment compares and contrasts the Shang Dynasty, the Mongolian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire. The essay compares and contrasts the rise of each empire with the fall of each empire. Then I chose which empire I believed had the greatest influence on society today and provided examples of how traces of the civilization can still be seen in society today.
- Package deal
- Essay
- • 10 pages •
The following assignment compares and contrasts the Shang Dynasty, the Mongolian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire. The essay compares and contrasts the rise of each empire with the fall of each empire. Then I chose which empire I believed had the greatest influence on society today and provided examples of how traces of the civilization can still be seen in society today.