Emiko's Academic Emporium!
Hello everyone! I'm Emiko! ヽ(・∀・)ノ
I'm a 4.0 GPA Marine Biology major at Northwest Missouri State University, soon to transfer to Stonybrook! By purchasing from my library, you're helping to fund both my academic career and crippling caffeine addiction!
My specialty is high-quality, color-coded, course-comprehensive science notes and textbook summaries, complete with super cute illustrations and occasional typos I try my best to cover up with white out! ($8 per unit!)
My general education courses include various English courses, so I also write literary analyses/research papers! These vary in quality, ranging from 93% (A-) to 98% (A+) in grade, as evident by the price tag given to each one. Good luck with your studies! I believe in you!
Note: All uploaded works are not intended to be plagiarized in any way, shape, or form.
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7 items

[COMPHREHENSIVE NOTES: CH3-4 PROTEINS, CARBOHYDRATES, LIPIDS, AND NUCELIC ACIDS] Principles of Biology / Life: The Science of Biology ISBN: 9781429298643
Color-coded, annotated lecture notes featuring illustrations from yours truly! Contains ALL provided information from Unit 3 to 4: Structure and Properties of Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids
- Book
- Class notes
- • 23 pages •
Color-coded, annotated lecture notes featuring illustrations from yours truly! Contains ALL provided information from Unit 3 to 4: Structure and Properties of Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids

[COMPHREHENSIVE NOTES: CH2 SMALL MOLECULES AND THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE] Principles of Biology / Life: The Science of Biology ISBN: 9781429298643
Color-coded, annotated lecture notes featuring illustrations from yours truly! Contains ALL provided information from Unit 2: Small Molecules. 
Contains: Atoms, Elements, The Periodic Table, Isotopes, Chemical Reactions/Bonding, Electronegativity, Hydrophobic Interactions, Properties of Water, Solvents, Bases, PH Scale
- Book
- Class notes
- • 14 pages •
Color-coded, annotated lecture notes featuring illustrations from yours truly! Contains ALL provided information from Unit 2: Small Molecules. 
Contains: Atoms, Elements, The Periodic Table, Isotopes, Chemical Reactions/Bonding, Electronegativity, Hydrophobic Interactions, Properties of Water, Solvents, Bases, PH Scale

[COMPHREHENSIVE NOTES: CH1 PROPERTIES OF LIFE] Principles of Biology / Life: The Science of Biology ISBN: 9781429298643
Color-coded, annotated lecture notes featuring illustrations from yours truly! Contains ALL provided information from Unit 1: Properties of Life. 
Contains: What is Biology, Traits of Organisms, Chemical Evolution / Abiogenesis, Cellular Structure Evolution, Why is Biology Important?, and overview providing background information necessary to understand later units in the course! 
Note: These are a bit awkward/experimental in terms of formatting and page numbering because I was still devel...
- Book
- Class notes
- • 15 pages •
Color-coded, annotated lecture notes featuring illustrations from yours truly! Contains ALL provided information from Unit 1: Properties of Life. 
Contains: What is Biology, Traits of Organisms, Chemical Evolution / Abiogenesis, Cellular Structure Evolution, Why is Biology Important?, and overview providing background information necessary to understand later units in the course! 
Note: These are a bit awkward/experimental in terms of formatting and page numbering because I was still devel...

A Wagner Matinee: A Stranger in Your Own Sanctuary
Literary analysis of "A Wagner Matinee" by Willa Cather and its attempt to portray the often melancholy result of trading one's passions for their partner against all personal interests.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Essay
- • 4 pages •
Literary analysis of "A Wagner Matinee" by Willa Cather and its attempt to portray the often melancholy result of trading one's passions for their partner against all personal interests.

Puertorriqueños de Estados Unidos: Silent Dancing
Seeks to explain the dark underbelly of "The American Dream", as told by Judith Ortiz Cofer in her memoir, "Silent Dancing". 
Despite the intention of Latin American immigrants to provide their families with a better life, it often results in discrimination, loss of culture, sexual assault, and other terrible outcomes as integrated Latina women fail to find solace in both their families and the greater United States. 
 (This essay is extremely personal and meaningful to me, as it describ...
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Essay
- • 9 pages •
Seeks to explain the dark underbelly of "The American Dream", as told by Judith Ortiz Cofer in her memoir, "Silent Dancing". 
Despite the intention of Latin American immigrants to provide their families with a better life, it often results in discrimination, loss of culture, sexual assault, and other terrible outcomes as integrated Latina women fail to find solace in both their families and the greater United States. 
 (This essay is extremely personal and meaningful to me, as it describ...

The Ring - The Façade of Perfection and a Proposal to Reality
"The Ring - The Façade of Perfection and a Proposal to Reality" is a 6-page essay describing the plot and characters of Blixen's short story, and how they tie into her observations of the class divide. What does the gap between enormous fortune and inconceivable poverty do to us as people, and what happens when the barrier that divides us is broken?
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Essay
- • 6 pages •
"The Ring - The Façade of Perfection and a Proposal to Reality" is a 6-page essay describing the plot and characters of Blixen's short story, and how they tie into her observations of the class divide. What does the gap between enormous fortune and inconceivable poverty do to us as people, and what happens when the barrier that divides us is broken?

Putting Analysis to “Everyday Use”: Division in the Black Community
An analysis of Alice Walker's short story "Everyday Use", which shows how differences of experience, education, and lifestyle within the Afro-American community often breed vastly different outlooks on how culture should be celebrated.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Essay
- • 10 pages •
An analysis of Alice Walker's short story "Everyday Use", which shows how differences of experience, education, and lifestyle within the Afro-American community often breed vastly different outlooks on how culture should be celebrated.