Sleepy STEM Majors
WARNING: My Major is Biochemistry so if you are in anything other than science, I won’t have every outline that caters for your major.
This is a store to help other tired STEM majors. I apologize but I’ve entered this new institution my junior so if you expect things like Calculus I, Gen BioL, and Gen Chemistry from the LSU institution , I do not have that. I’m still in school so I’m still uploading documents.
This Store will have a variety of notes in the future.
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6 items

Microbiology Outlines Set
ITS NOT EVERY LECTURE. It covers the outlines from CH 32, 28,19,21,31,
- Package deal
- • 4 items •
- Ch.31 Person to Person • Class notes
- Ch. 21 Nutrient Cycle • Summary
- Ch. 28 Immune Disorders and Antimicrobial Therapy • Class notes
- Ch. 32 Vector-borne and Soil-born Bacterial and Viral Diseases • Class notes
ITS NOT EVERY LECTURE. It covers the outlines from CH 32, 28,19,21,31,

Ch. 32 Vector-borne and Soil-born Bacterial and Viral Diseases
This is based off LSU microbiology courses
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 3 pages •
This is based off LSU microbiology courses

Ch. 28 Immune Disorders and Antimicrobial Therapy
This is based off LSU microbiology courses
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 6 pages •
This is based off LSU microbiology courses

Ch. 21 Nutrient Cycle
This is based off LSU microbiology courses.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 4 pages •
This is based off LSU microbiology courses.

Ch.31 Person to Person
This is the notes based off LSU microbiology course. Specifically from Dr. Luzan. This talks about diseases and such.
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 7 pages •
This is the notes based off LSU microbiology course. Specifically from Dr. Luzan. This talks about diseases and such.

Chapter 19: Taking the Measure of Microbial Systems
This is based off the microbiology classes.
- Class notes
- • 4 pages •
This is based off the microbiology classes.