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BSC 2086 Mid Term Review 2024 Questions and Answers

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BSC 2086 Mid Term Review 2024 Questions and Answers Respiratory System - Answer️️ -The system used to carry gases between the outside air and your blood. alveoli - Answer️️ -air sacs where oxygen enters the blood and carbon dixide leaves the blood diaphragm - Answer️️ -a thin muscle below the lungs that contracts when you inhale bronchial tubes - Answer️️ -tubes that branch smaller and smaller into the lungs trachea - Answer️️ -tube that carries air from larynx (at ba...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 20 pages • 
  • by Prep4Exams • 
  • uploaded  20-05-2024
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BSC 2086 Exam 1 Questions and Answers

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BSC 2086 Exam 1 Questions and Answers Accesories of the Afferent Division of the Nervous system - Answer️️ -1. Receptors - detects stimuli 2. Sensory neurons - relays sensory information towards the CNS *receives input from dendrites, uses axon to send it to CNS* 3. Sensory pathways - nerves, nuclei, and tracts that deliver sensory information to the CNS Accesories of the Efferent Division of the Nervous system - Answer️️ -1. Nuclei - contain cell bodies of motor neurons 2. Moto...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 83 pages • 
  • by Prep4Exams • 
  • uploaded  20-05-2024
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BSC 2086: Test 1 Questions and Answers

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BSC 2086: Test 1 Questions and Answers A healthy adult male has approximately __________ liters of blood. - Answer️️ -The average volume of circulating blood is approximately 5-6 liters in males and approximately 4-5 liters in females. Answer: 5-6 A major plasma protein that maintains the blood osmotic pressure is __________. - Answer️️ -Answer: albumin Albumin constitutes 60% of plasma protein and primarily functions in maintaining water balance between blood and body tissues. ...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 19 pages • 
  • by Prep4Exams • 
  • uploaded  20-05-2024
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BSC 2086: Test 1 Questions and Answers

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BSC 2086: Test 1 Questions and Answers A healthy adult male has approximately __________ liters of blood. - Answer️️ -The average volume of circulating blood is approximately 5-6 liters in males and approximately 4-5 liters in females. Answer: 5-6 A major plasma protein that maintains the blood osmotic pressure is __________. - Answer️️ -Answer: albumin Albumin constitutes 60% of plasma protein and primarily functions in maintaining water balance between blood and body tissues. ...

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  •  • 19 pages • 
  • by Prep4Exams • 
  • uploaded  20-05-2024
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BSC 2086 Mid Term Review 2024 Questions and Answers

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BSC 2086 Mid Term Review 2024 Questions and Answers Respiratory System - Answer️️ -The system used to carry gases between the outside air and your blood. alveoli - Answer️️ -air sacs where oxygen enters the blood and carbon dixide leaves the blood diaphragm - Answer️️ -a thin muscle below the lungs that contracts when you inhale bronchial tubes - Answer️️ -tubes that branch smaller and smaller into the lungs trachea - Answer️️ -tube that carries air from larynx (at ba...

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  •  • 0 pages • 
  • by Prep4Exams • 
  • uploaded  20-05-2024
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BSC2086 Exam 1 review 2024 Questions and Answers

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BSC2086 Exam 1 review 2024 Questions and Answers Endocrine gland - Answer️️ -Organs that are traditional sources of hormones The nervous system reacts to stimuli ______ compared to the endocrine system. adapts _____ compared to the endocrine system, and has_____ effects compared to the endocrine. - Answer️️ -Quickly, quickly, specific The organ which is not an endocrine gland but it has a role in endocrine function. - Answer️️ -Kidney What makes a cell a target of a particula...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by Prep4Exams • 
  • uploaded  20-05-2024
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BSC 2086 Final Exam Questions and Answers

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BSC 2086 Final Exam Questions and Answers Function of Cardiovascular System - Answer️️ -1. Transportation of substances around body 2.Protect body against infection and blood loss 3.Thermoregulation 4.Maintain Fluid Balance Function of Respiratory System - Answer️️ -Supply oxygen to all parts of body Function of Renal System - Answer️️ -1. Remove liquid waste from body in the form of urine. 2. Keep stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood. 3. Produce Erythr...

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  •  • 20 pages • 
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  • uploaded  20-05-2024
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Test 3 BSC 2086 Exam Questions and Answers

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Test 3 BSC 2086 Exam Questions and Answers 1) About two-thirds of the body fluid is within cells and is termed ________ fluid. A) intracellular B) intercellular C) extracellular D) interstitial E) vital - Answer️️ -intracellular 2) Intracellular fluid (ICF) is found only within A) blood vessels. B) lymph. C) the cells of the body. D) the interstitial space. E) the cerebrospinal fluid. - Answer️️ -the cells of the body. 3) Substances that can carry electrical current across c...

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  •  • 13 pages • 
  • by Prep4Exams • 
  • uploaded  20-05-2024
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BSC2086 A&P II Final Exam Questions and Answers

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BSC2086 A&P II Final Exam Questions and Answers The renal arteries deliver the components of urine to the kidney; the urine formed there is carried to the outside by the ureters. Are these two statements true or false? - Answer️️ -The first statement is true; the second is false. The kidney does all of these except __________. - regulating blood volume - helping stabilize blood pH - secreting excess albumin - regulating plasma electrolytes - Answer️️ -secreting excess albumin Wh...

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  •  • 13 pages • 
  • by Prep4Exams • 
  • uploaded  20-05-2024
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Test 3 BSC 2086 Exam Questions and Answers

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Test 3 BSC 2086 Exam Questions and Answers 1) About two-thirds of the body fluid is within cells and is termed ________ fluid. A) intracellular B) intercellular C) extracellular D) interstitial E) vital - Answer️️ -intracellular 2) Intracellular fluid (ICF) is found only within A) blood vessels. B) lymph. C) the cells of the body. D) the interstitial space. E) the cerebrospinal fluid. - Answer️️ -the cells of the body. 3) Substances that can carry electrical current across c...

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  •  Package deal
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 13 pages • 
  • by Prep4Exams • 
  • uploaded  20-05-2024
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