Cecelia's Notes
Studying psychology, sharing organized notes and useful study plans. My goal is to effectively help my own education as well as yours. Feel free to message me with any price offers, bundle requests and questions.
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12 items

19 doc RELIAS notes for psychiatric medical technicians/ nursing assistants
In-depth RELIAS training notes for psychiatric med techs/nursing assistants relating to psychological factors as well as some AHCCCS information, HIPAA and corporate compliance, as med assistants often deal with these things. Relevant for Arizona especially. Incredible information regarding the workforce relating to mental health and working within psychiatry facilities. 
19 documents in total. Extremely helpful in the quizzes Relias mandates you complete to get your completion. Some docs e...
- Class notes
- • 103 pages •
In-depth RELIAS training notes for psychiatric med techs/nursing assistants relating to psychological factors as well as some AHCCCS information, HIPAA and corporate compliance, as med assistants often deal with these things. Relevant for Arizona especially. Incredible information regarding the workforce relating to mental health and working within psychiatry facilities. 
19 documents in total. Extremely helpful in the quizzes Relias mandates you complete to get your completion. Some docs e...

Set of Relias Training for Psychiatric Nurse Assistants/Medical Technician
In-depth RELIAS training notes for psychiatric med techs/nursing assistants relating to psychological factors as well as some AHCCCS information, HIPAA and corporate compliance, as med assistants often deal with these things. Relevant for Arizona especially. Incredible information regarding the workforce relating to mental health and working within psychiatry facilities. 
19 documents in total.
- Class notes
- • 8 pages •
In-depth RELIAS training notes for psychiatric med techs/nursing assistants relating to psychological factors as well as some AHCCCS information, HIPAA and corporate compliance, as med assistants often deal with these things. Relevant for Arizona especially. Incredible information regarding the workforce relating to mental health and working within psychiatry facilities. 
19 documents in total.

CHAPTER 5: Mathematics of Finance Applications
MAT172 Chapter 5: Finance Book Notes/Applications 
19 page PDF document overviewing the finance math applications from Chapter 5 from course Mat 172 (Finite Mathematics), noted from the book for the course. 
Shows steps to solve problems along with formula sheets. 
5.1 Interest 
5.2 Future Value of an Annuity 
5.3 Present Value of Annuity; Amortization
- Book
- Class notes
- • 20 pages •
MAT172 Chapter 5: Finance Book Notes/Applications 
19 page PDF document overviewing the finance math applications from Chapter 5 from course Mat 172 (Finite Mathematics), noted from the book for the course. 
Shows steps to solve problems along with formula sheets. 
5.1 Interest 
5.2 Future Value of an Annuity 
5.3 Present Value of Annuity; Amortization

ASB222 package deal (Buried Cities and Lost Tribes)
ASB222 package deal (Buried Cities and Lost Tribes) 

ASB222 lesson 1 through 9 course notes
ASB222 midterm review L.1 - L.5
ASB222 People encyclopedia vocab review
- Package deal
- • 3 items •
- ASB222 Lesson 1 - Lesson 9 Course Notes • Class notes
- ASB222 Midterm Review: L.1-L.5 • Class notes
- ASB222 People Encyclopedia • Class notes
ASB222 package deal (Buried Cities and Lost Tribes) 

ASB222 lesson 1 through 9 course notes
ASB222 midterm review L.1 - L.5
ASB222 People encyclopedia vocab review

ASB222 People Encyclopedia
ASB222, also known as: Buried Cities and Lost Tribes, is under archaeology/anthropology, as well as humanities and social sciences. 
This is a simple 2 p age PDF covering key figures and their contributions to the history/study of humans. This is a great tool to use as a reference vocab sheet for midterm/final review. 
*I will be BUNDLING this with the other ASB22 material I have on here as well.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Class notes
- • 2 pages •
ASB222, also known as: Buried Cities and Lost Tribes, is under archaeology/anthropology, as well as humanities and social sciences. 
This is a simple 2 p age PDF covering key figures and their contributions to the history/study of humans. This is a great tool to use as a reference vocab sheet for midterm/final review. 
*I will be BUNDLING this with the other ASB22 material I have on here as well.

ASB222 Midterm Review: L.1-L.5
ASB222, also known as: Buried Cities and Lost Tribes, under archaeology/anthropology, as well as humanities and social sciences, midterm review notes summarizing key concepts and vocabulary from lessons 1 through 5. 
A simple 7 page PDF, yet effective in overviewing key concepts and vocab. 
*I will be BUNDLING this with the other ASB22 material I have on here as well.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Class notes
- • 7 pages •
ASB222, also known as: Buried Cities and Lost Tribes, under archaeology/anthropology, as well as humanities and social sciences, midterm review notes summarizing key concepts and vocabulary from lessons 1 through 5. 
A simple 7 page PDF, yet effective in overviewing key concepts and vocab. 
*I will be BUNDLING this with the other ASB22 material I have on here as well.

ASB222 Lesson 1 - Lesson 9 Course Notes
Lesson and book summarized notes from my fall 2018 class: Buried Cities and Lost Tribes (ASB222), under humanities and social science. 
This 30 page PDF document covers partial full course notes covering: 
Lesson 1: Anthropology and Archaeology 
Lesson 2: The First Humans 
Lesson 3: Out of Africa - Homo Erectus 
Lesson 4: The Hunters 
Lesson 5: Postglacial Frager 
Lesson 6: x (MIDTERM WEEK) 
Lesson 7: The Origins of Agriculture Lesson 
8: States and Empires in Asia and Africa 
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Class notes
- • 30 pages •
Lesson and book summarized notes from my fall 2018 class: Buried Cities and Lost Tribes (ASB222), under humanities and social science. 
This 30 page PDF document covers partial full course notes covering: 
Lesson 1: Anthropology and Archaeology 
Lesson 2: The First Humans 
Lesson 3: Out of Africa - Homo Erectus 
Lesson 4: The Hunters 
Lesson 5: Postglacial Frager 
Lesson 6: x (MIDTERM WEEK) 
Lesson 7: The Origins of Agriculture Lesson 
8: States and Empires in Asia and Africa 

A complete set of course notes and concepts overview from the lesson plan and reading assigned for my Spring 2018 SOC101 (Sociology 101) class. 
This 54 page PDF file compiles L.1-L.12 concepts, vocabulary and necessary info needed for the final exam and general understanding of the intro to sociology. 
The following lessons / material is covered in the overviewed notes: 
Lesson 1: Intro to Sociology 
Lesson 2: Culture 
Lesson 3: Socialization 
Lesson 4: Social Groups 
Lesson 5: Devia...
- Class notes
- • 54 pages •
A complete set of course notes and concepts overview from the lesson plan and reading assigned for my Spring 2018 SOC101 (Sociology 101) class. 
This 54 page PDF file compiles L.1-L.12 concepts, vocabulary and necessary info needed for the final exam and general understanding of the intro to sociology. 
The following lessons / material is covered in the overviewed notes: 
Lesson 1: Intro to Sociology 
Lesson 2: Culture 
Lesson 3: Socialization 
Lesson 4: Social Groups 
Lesson 5: Devia...

This 11-page PDF file contains lessons 1 through 12 overviewing course lesson notes from my Fall 2017 ENGLISH 101 class. 
It contains vital information in a compacted, simple yet effective manner to help guide you through your course and essay plans.
- Class notes
- • 11 pages •
This 11-page PDF file contains lessons 1 through 12 overviewing course lesson notes from my Fall 2017 ENGLISH 101 class. 
It contains vital information in a compacted, simple yet effective manner to help guide you through your course and essay plans.

PSY101 Lesson 1: Introduction and History Class Notes
A simple yet informational six page PDF document of Lesson 1 notes from Introduction to Psychology (Psy100 / Psy101) with relevant historical and contextual content as well as important vocabulary. 
The following modules are covered: 
Module 1.1: What is psychology? 
Module 1.2: History of Psychology 
Module 1.3: Contemporary Psychology
- Class notes
- • 6 pages •
A simple yet informational six page PDF document of Lesson 1 notes from Introduction to Psychology (Psy100 / Psy101) with relevant historical and contextual content as well as important vocabulary. 
The following modules are covered: 
Module 1.1: What is psychology? 
Module 1.2: History of Psychology 
Module 1.3: Contemporary Psychology