I care deeply about my studies: taking time to make study sheets, mind maps, and easy to read notes. I hope these notes can be used to help others understand topics I have found interesting. Good luck studying!
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15 items

OpenStax Chemistry Ch 6 - 8 Study Guide
This study guide is equipped with detailed notes and diagrams to explain electromagnetic energy, the bohr model, the quantum theory, electron configuration, chemical bonding, lewis symbols and structures, formal charges, resonance, valence bond theory, and hybrid orbitals.
- Book
- Summary
- • 5 pages •
This study guide is equipped with detailed notes and diagrams to explain electromagnetic energy, the bohr model, the quantum theory, electron configuration, chemical bonding, lewis symbols and structures, formal charges, resonance, valence bond theory, and hybrid orbitals.

Comparing the Bohr and Rutherford Model of the Hydrogen Atom
Exactly what the title says: this document has detailed notes about the similarities and differences between the two models.
- Book
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
Exactly what the title says: this document has detailed notes about the similarities and differences between the two models.

Comparing the Bohr model and Quantum Mechanical model of the Hydrogen Atom
Exactly what the title says: this document gives you detailed notes on the differences between the two models. I used these notes to make flashcards for my chemistry exams.
- Book
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
Exactly what the title says: this document gives you detailed notes on the differences between the two models. I used these notes to make flashcards for my chemistry exams.

ACS Final Cheat Sheet
This sheet is exactly what I used to prepare for the first ACS standard exam. I missed 5 questions.
- Book
- Summary
- • 3 pages •
This sheet is exactly what I used to prepare for the first ACS standard exam. I missed 5 questions.

Geometry Theorems Cheat Sheet
This is a compilation of all the geometry theorems you'll need for your final, including the angle bisector theorems, special right triangle properties, isotrapezoids properties, midsegment theorems, centroid theorem, thales intercept theorem, and similar triangle definitions.
- Summary
- • 5 pages •
This is a compilation of all the geometry theorems you'll need for your final, including the angle bisector theorems, special right triangle properties, isotrapezoids properties, midsegment theorems, centroid theorem, thales intercept theorem, and similar triangle definitions.

Integumentary, Skeletal, and Nervous System Study Tools
This package includes mind maps for each of the systems and their varying components. Additionally, there is a study guide for the integumentary and skeletal systems. These are what I used to ace my anatomy exams. What was originally over $70 is now $14 with this bundle :)
- Package deal
- • 9 items •
- Layers of the Integument - Mind Map • Summary
- Types of Tissues and their Cells - Mind Map • Summary
- Epithelia Tissue - Mind Map • Summary
- Nervous Tissue vs Muscular Tissue • Summary
- Nervous System Mind Map • Summary
- And more ….
This package includes mind maps for each of the systems and their varying components. Additionally, there is a study guide for the integumentary and skeletal systems. These are what I used to ace my anatomy exams. What was originally over $70 is now $14 with this bundle :)

Study Guide for Exam on Integumentary and Skeletal Systems
This study guide got me an 100 on my anatomy exam revolving the integumentary and skeletal systems. It runs through detailed notes of the functions of each system, the main components of each system, and major medical notes.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 17 pages •
This study guide got me an 100 on my anatomy exam revolving the integumentary and skeletal systems. It runs through detailed notes of the functions of each system, the main components of each system, and major medical notes.

Types of Joints - Mind Map
This depicts the types of joints and their key features, so you can be prepared for your next exam.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
This depicts the types of joints and their key features, so you can be prepared for your next exam.

Types of Bone Tissue
This document depicts the two main types of bone tissue: where they are found and their key features. It also provides a diagram of a typical bone and a diagram of long bone with the proper explanations.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
This document depicts the two main types of bone tissue: where they are found and their key features. It also provides a diagram of a typical bone and a diagram of long bone with the proper explanations.

Lifecycle/Types of Bone Cells
This mind map goes through the lifecycle of an osteocyte. Additionally, it provides information about each step.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
This mind map goes through the lifecycle of an osteocyte. Additionally, it provides information about each step.