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Resúmenes más recientes de The Economy
Unit 1 notes for ECO1010
- Resumen • 10 páginas • 2023
- 3,23 €
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These notes are a summary of Unit 1 from The CORE Economy textbook. They summarize the lectures and textbook chapter relating to Unit 1 and can be used to study for the ECO1010 exam in conjunction with completing the tutorials. They are neat and in-depth.
Unit 13 notes for ECO1011
- Resumen • 8 páginas • 2023
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These notes are a summary of Unit 13 from The CORE Economy textbook. They summarize the lectures and textbook chapter relating to Unit 13 and can be used to study for the ECO1011 exam in conjunction with completing the tutorials. They are neat and in-depth.
Unit 10 notes for ECO1011
- Resumen • 8 páginas • 2023
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These notes are a summary of Unit 10 from The CORE Economy textbook. They summarize the lectures and textbook chapter relating to Unit 10 and can be used to study for the ECO1011 exam in conjunction with completing the tutorials. They are neat and in-depth.
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Unit 9 notes for ECO1011
- Resumen • 9 páginas • 2023
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- 3,23 €
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These notes are a summary of Unit 9 from the CORE Economy textbook. They are notes for ECO1011 and can be used to study for the exam in conjunction with completing the tutorials. They are neat and in depth.
Principles of Microeconomics Chapter 8 Notes
- Notas de lectura • 5 páginas • 2023
- 5,42 €
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Bullet points summarizing chapter 8 of "The Economy" by core.
Principles of Microeconomics Chapter 7 Notes
- Notas de lectura • 4 páginas • 2023
- 5,42 €
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Bullet points summarizing the contents of Chapter 7 of "The Economy" by Core.
Unit 17: The Great depression, Golden age and Golden Financial crisis lecture notes
- Notas de lectura • 15 páginas • 2022
- 2,69 €
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Lecture notes of Unit 17: The Great depression, Golden age and Golden Financial crisis
Lecture notes
- Notas de lectura • 10 páginas • 2022
- 2,69 €
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All lecture notes regarding Unit 18: The nation and the world economy compiled into one document.
Lecture notes: Inflation, unemployment, monetary policy
- Notas de lectura • 15 páginas • 2022
- 2,69 €
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An extensive document of the lecture notes
Lecture notes: Economic fluctuations and unemployment
- Notas de lectura • 15 páginas • 2022
- 2,69 €
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An extensive document of the notes provided by the lecturer.
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